

Petty-bourgeois Nationalism versus Internationalism: The struggle for the historical continuity of Bolshevism and resolving the crisis of proletarian leadership

By Sanjaya Jayasekera.

For Zionist imperialists, the history began on October 07, 2023, and the brutal oppression of Palestinians for 75 years is simply obliterated. Drawing an analogy, for Comrade Nandana Nanneththi, according to his diatribe of October 08, 2024, the history of our principled struggle against their nationalist clique had begun only from our final contribution of July 4, 2024. Nandana shamelessly suppresses the fact that  the discussion in question formally started at least six months ago, on December 25, 2023, when Sanjaya proposed a programme of action to the Aggregate group, titled “The way forward for the SEP Left”. Our struggle consisted of a number of written explanations that followed, a 25-page document written by Comrade Migara before December 25 about the long degeneration of the party, and two submissions of nearly 30 pages written by Comrade Migara clarifying the discussion that broke out after my proposal of December 25. Only one document was submitted by the Nandana’s clique, by comrade Udayaprema, during this whole discussion. This document submitted in mid April largely contained straw-man arguments that distorted the facts. Nandana avoided the main problems that we raised, but his positions were made clear to us. 

Nandana’s behavior shows that he perceives our refusal to respond to his frenzied statements in his own language and style as representing our weakness. He is wrong. Since we are not in the habit of biting like hounds infected with the disease of poisonous subjectivity, and being revolutionaries who have not abandoned the claim to the heritage of the historical continuity of the international socialist movement, we act to grapple with political issues theoretically, attempting the most for the political clarifications and lessons for the working class. That is our approach.

Nandana’s essay/article reeks of the symptoms of the subjective sickness of a petty-bourgeois charlatan, requiring it to be dissected into sentences and phrases and sometimes into words to discuss it in detail. Therefore, we have adopted a method of commenting within the original text of the essay itself and the commentaries are placed just after the relevant section of the texts which are placed within parentheses. This method, we hope, keeps the reader less distracted. 

The Text and the Commentaries

[ජුලි 6 දා, නීතිඥයෙකු වන සංජය විල්සන්] I was called Sanjaya Jayasekera by party comrades. Nandana is using my middle name and profession as an appeal to backwardness. There was no relationship between my profession and my being a member of the revolutionary party, and the reader would understand what Nandana is up to. [මිගාර මල්වත්ත සහ සුනිල් මොරායස්] This is yet again a treacherous betrayal of exposing a comrade’s name against his written opposition. [යන ත්‍රිත්වය සසප වාම කන්ඩායමේ වෙබ් අඩවිය හා සියලු සංනිවේදන මාධ්‍ය පැහැර ගෙන පලා ගියහ.] This is an outright lie. We, the internationalist faction, expelled Nandana-led nationalist clique, and thus they have no politically legitimate entitlement to any of the media organs of the group, which was intended to function as a faction of the Socialist Equality Party of Sri Lanka (SEP). The faction was to be founded in opposition to the party leadership’s reactionary political tendencies that we struggled to identify, discuss, clarify and clearly define. theSocialist.LK website was not even in the dreams of any of the comrades of the group including Nandana, when Sanjaya foresaw the necessity of such a publication organ for the factional struggle and thus registered “theSocialist.LK”domain name under his name and started building a blog. All these were communicated to Nandana later and he agreed with the same. The blog was launched by Sanjaya on his birthday as a gift to all comrades of the group. Sanjaya was Editor of the website, not because he was appointed by any vote, but because he assigned it to himself and everybody accepted the status quo. The group decisions were reached never as an outcome of a so-called majority decision, and the decisions were taken usually by Sanjaya and Nandana during their discussions, and these decisions were approved tacitly by everybody. When Sanjaya suggested developing the blog into a website, he conceded that the other comrades too should contribute financially, so that everybody gets the sense of its significance as the axis of the faction, even though he could have borne the whole cost by himself, if that was necessary, which fact everyone of the group was well aware of. Some funds were taken from the Colombo Action Committee (CACPS) as a loan, as the contributions lying there were solely from the comrades in the group. Comrades Nihal and Punyawardena, the close associates of Nandana, controlled this bank account. Later, Sanjaya opened a Bank account with Parakrama, another long-time friend of Nandana, separately for theSocialist.LK, and Parakrama and Nandana were in control of the Bank ATM card, and they always put off handing it over to Sanjaya, never carrying it out.  They used the website’s bank card to withdraw all funds, after the clique was expelled from the faction. Due to inadvertence, the return of the loan obtained from CACPS had not been effected by Parakrama or Sanjaya, as it was never raised or reminded within the group discussions, even by Nihal, who was CACPS treasurer and was long absconding meetings. Once the funds from the website account were illegitimately withdrawn by Nandana renegades, we demanded the overdue remittance of the loan amount to the action committee’s account, which Nandana has rejected in an email communication. CACPS is dysfunctional as of now, and its Secretary has yet to call a general meeting to elect the new office bearers, while Sanjaya’s Chairmanship has lapsed. [මාක්ස්වාදී මූලධර්මවලට ප්‍රතිපක්ෂව]  Nandana merely utters this without any sort of substantiation, and the reader of this piece will understand what principles our struggle was and is based upon. [සසප වාම කන්ඩායම මෙහෙයවා ගැනීමට තමන් දැරූ උත්සාහය සහමුලින් ම අසාර්ථක වූ නිසා ඔවුහු මෙම තීන්දුවට එලඹුනහ.] The reader of this piece would understand the falsehood of these claims, and other allegations made against us. In fact, it was the N-clique (Nandana’s clique) that renegaded from internationalism, rejected reapplying for ICFI membership and fighting for SEP membership, rejected the Bolshevik method of factional struggle and relegated into an opportunist nationalist pressure group. [සසප වාම කන්ඩායම යනු 2014 සිට සසප වර්ධනයට බාධා වූ තත්වයන්ට එරෙහිව පක්ෂය තුල සටන් වැදී සිටි හා 2022 දී පක්ෂ නායකත්වය විසින් බොල්ෂෙවික් පිලිවෙත නො තකා නෙරපා හරිනු ලැබූ කන්ඩායම යි.] This group was not a ‘faction’, but admittedly a group of individuals later expelled from the Party, who were never organized on the basis of any political agreement. They did not stand, nor stand against any reactionary tendencies in the party leadership. Theirs was, in fact, an agitation group, and their so-called struggle was not against any reactionary tendency of the leadership, but against this or that ‘unprincipled activities’, and was wholly ad hoc, informal and irregular. After 2015 Second National Congress, Nandana, who could secure a place in the Central Committee, and his clique limited their agitation and entered into a tacit compromise with the leadership, only to be compelled to take arms against the party leadership during the mass struggles of 2022. By mid 2023, Nandana enrolled to the group two ex-members of the party, his close friends, who had deserted the party long time ago, and never wished to rejoin the party, but claimed their will to be engaged in the ICFI’s revolutionary politics, without being affiliated to it! [2021 අවසානය කාර්තුව දක්වා ම අප කන්ඩායමට විරුද්ධව සිටි විල්සන්ට පන්ති අරගලයේ වර්ධනය සමග පක්ෂ නායකත්වයෙන් තමන්ට එල්ල වූ පීඩනය නිසා අප අරගලය පිලි ගැනීමට සිදු විය] This is false. I had not expressed to them any opposition to or agreement with their specific political issues, nor I was a member of their group. Their issues were largely unknown to the membership, as that was the way the SEP leadership worked to prevent membership discussions on the political disagreements of members. The SEP leaders preferred faithful yes-men. The first time I expressed my political agreement with a political position taken by Nandana was when a dispute on the ICFI’s stance on the right to self-determination arose in late 2021, in which I was able to clear the confusions long nurtured by the party leadership. In 2015 only I was selected to the PC, and I was largely unaware of Nandana’s specific issues, because they never functioned as a political faction, but just as agitators within a couple of Locals. They never took part in a factional struggle. This was recognized also by comrade David North in his comments made at the start of Party’s Congress in 2015. 

[විල්සන් කන්ඩායමේ පලා යාම සිදු වූයේ වාම කන්ඩායම සමග වූ මත භේදවලට මුහුන දීමට තමන් අසමත් බව වටහා ගැනීම නිසා ය] Outright falsehood. It was they who failed to respond to our documents and questions. Only we raised the political issues regarding the factional characterization, which then gave way to other issues of nationalism and internationalism as central questions within the SEP-Left. We fought for our explanations based on Bolshevik principles and they never attempted to answer our fundamental questions. These ultimately led to the expulsion of this unprincipled clique from the SEP-Left. [තමන් ජත්‍යන්තරවාදීන් ලෙස හදුන්වා ගත්] We, as genuine internationalists, stood for Bolshevik method of factional struggle and insisted on the struggle for ICFI membership, which they rejected. We also reasonably identified them as a nationalist opportunist clique. [ත්‍රිත්වය වෙනුවෙන්, සංජය විල්සන් ඇග්‍රිගේට් නමින් පවත්වා ගෙන ගිය අපගේ වට්ස් ඇප් පිටුවේ ජුලි 4දා මෙසේ සදහන් කර තිබිනි. “පිටු 65 ලිපිය ඉහත එවා ඇත. මෙය කියවන්න ඉන් පසු කතා කරමු.“] The discussion, in which they merely kept opposing our views without merit and tried their best to derail it, had lasted close to seven months from December 2023, and the 04th July document was the final piece produced by us as sequel to two other main documents and other extended explanatory notes. In the final round of discussions Sanjaya had made oral submissions via Zoom,  which followed ‘comments‘ from N-clique and then what was remaining was Sanjaya’s counter-submissions. As an aid to these final oral contribution, the written document was prepared in association with Comrade Migara, which was submitted. Therefore, in fact, the discussion had come to its dead end. In fact, our disagreements with Nandana’s positions did not arise just on December 25, 2023, but at the very inception of our engroupment, when 12 members were about to be expelled from the party. Sanjaya along with Migara and Sunil insisted that these comrades should declare a faction and take the fight against the bureaucratic party leadership, which Nandana-Udayaprema (the latter is the former’s brother-in-law) vehemently objected. They even adamantly refused to write to the party leadership against the intended expulsion, saying such a response is undesirable and, even after Sanjaya got almost all other comrades to agree for his proposal, this was not executed by the group due to Nandana’s vehement opposition. It was clear to us later that, in fact, Nandana wanted the expulsion to take effect, so that he can establish his petty-bourgeois pressure group that suits his way of social life. The expulsion removed from the ranks of the party/ICFI the revolutionary and progressive cadre, who were misguided by Nandana. 

[ජුලි 6 දා ඔවුහු “සසප නායකත්වයේ ප්රතිගාමීත්වයට එරෙහි ෆැක්ෂන් අරගල ප්රතික්ෂේප කල, ජාතිකවාදී, එනම් ජාත්යන්තර කම්ටුවට හා සසපට බැදී ගැනීමට අරගලය නො කරන, සසප ගොඩ නැගීම සදහා අරගලය නො කරන (සසප ගොඩ නැගීම ලෙස ඔහු සදහන් කරන්නේ එහි ඔහු කියන ප්රතිගාමී නායකත්වයෙන් සසප ඩැහැ ගැනීම සදහා සිය අභිප්රාය බව  මෙම ලිපියේ තහවුරු කරනු ඇත)….. සසප වම  බහුතර කල්ලිය හා අප අතර කිසිදු සාකච්ඡාවක් ඉදිරියට පලදායී නො වන බව පැහැදිලි ය“ යි  ලියූහ] Nandana desperately attempts to establish a falsehood that we were like going to execute a coup to usurp power from the party leadership! Our struggle is very clearly against the reactionary political tendencies of the party leadership, and not against the individuals in the leadership, which was made clear to the group. It was a factional struggle that we proposed, a fact which they are knowingly suppressing. The full extract of our letter is suppressed in order to raise a blatantly distorted meaning. 

Following is the full text of the underquoted paragraph:

“අපගේ පෙර ලිපි හා බැඳි 2024 ජුලි 04 දිනැති අවසන් දිර්ඝ පැහැදිලි කිරීමේ දේශපාලන ලිපිය ඉදිරිපත් කරමින් සසපවම බහුතර කල්ලියේ දේශපාලන අනන්යතාවය කවරක් යන්න අපි නිවැරදිව සනාථ කර ඉදිරිපත් කර ඇත්තෙමු. එම කල්ලිය සසප නායකත්වයේ ප්රතිගාමී ප්රවනතාවයන්ට එරෙහිව ෆැක්ෂන් අරගලය ප්රතික්ෂේප කල, ජාතිකවාදී, එනම් ජා.කට හා සසපට බැදී ගැනීමට අරගල නොකරන, සසප ගොඩනැගීම සඳහා අරගල නොකරන, අනුව මෙි රටේත්, මේ කලාපයේත් කම්කරු පන්තියේ නායකත්වයේ අර්බුදය විසඳීමට අරගල නොකරන, සසප නායකත්වය වමට තල්ලු කිරීමට පිඩනය යෙදීමේ බාහිර සුලු ධනේශ්වර දේශපාලන ප්රවනතාවයක්  බව අප පෙන්වා දී ඇත. ඊට විරුද්ධව, සසපවම සුලුතරය යැයි හදුන්වන අපජාත්යන්තරවාදය අනුයමින්  සසපවම ෆැක්ෂන් අරගලය බෝල්ෂවික් විධික්රමය අනුව ඉදිරියට ගන්නා විප්ලවවාදී කන්ඩායම වෙමු. හජජාක ඓතිහාසික උරුමය ආරක්ෂා කල හැක්කේම එයට බැඳී ගැනීමෙන් හා එසේ බැඳී ගැනීම සදහා අරගල කිරීමෙන්ම පමනි. අපගේ පෙන්වාදීමට පටහැනිව කරුනු ඉදිරිපත් කිරීමට අසමත් වෙමින්, පසුගිය මාස හයකට වැඩි කාලයක් තුල සිදුවූ සංවාදය තුල ඔබ හජජාකට හා සසපට බැදීගැනීමට කල යුතු ෆැක්ෂන් අරගලය පෙරට ගැනීමට නුසූදානම් බව පෙන්වමින් ඔබගේ ජාතිකවාදී ප්රවනතාවය තහවරු කර ඇත. මේ හේතුවෙන්, අප කන්ඩායම් දෙක අතර ප්රවනතාමය වෙනස හොදින් පැහැදිලිය. ජාත්යන්තරවාදය හා ජාතිකවාදය අතර එම ප්රවනතාත්මක ප්රතිගථිතතාවය සාකච්චාව තුලින් සමනය කල නොහැක්කකි. එය විසදෙන්නේ පන්ති අරගලයේ කොටසක් ලෙස එක් ප්රවනතාවයක් දේශපාලනිකිව පරාජය කිරීමෙනිකම්කරු පන්තික ජාත්යන්තරවාදයේ ජයග්රහනය සඳහා ජාතිකවාදය හදුනාගෙන බැහැර කල යුතුය. අප ඔබ කල්ලයේ ජාතිකවාදය නිශ්චිතව හදුනාගෙන  පෙන්වා ඇත්තෙමු. නිසා සසපවම බහුතර කල්ලිය හා අප අතර කිසිදු සාකච්චාවක් ඉදිරියට ඵලදායී නොවනු ඇති බව පැහැදිලිය. අප ජාත්යන්තරවාදී කන්ඩායමට පමනක් ෆැක්ෂන අරගලය ඉදිරියට ගෙනයාමේ ඓතිහාසික උරුමය  සුජාත ලෙස පැවරේ. අප එම අරගලය පෙරට ගනු ඇත. ට්රොට්ස්කිවාදී ජාත්යන්තරවාදය, බොල්ෂවිකවාදය පදනමින්ම ප්රතික්ෂේප කර ඇති ඔබ කල්ලියට හජජාක නමින් පෙනීසිටීමට කිසිදු සුජාතබවක් නැති අතර, අනුව සසපවම නම් ෆැක්ෂනය නමින් පෙනී සිටීමේ, හදුනා ගැනීමේ හිමිකමක් ඔබට නැත.

[අපගේ සාකච්ඡා සදහා වූ මාධ්‍ය තම නමින් තිබීමේ වාසිය භාවිත කරමින් ඔවුහු මෙසේ නිවේදනය කර තිබිනි. “වෙබ් අඩවියේ සුජාත හිමකම ඇත්තේ අප ජාත්යන්තරවාදී කන්ඩායමටයිඇග්රිගේට් හා කතිකා වට්ස් ඇප් සංවාද ගෘෘප තුල රැදී සිටීමට ඔබට කිසිදු ඓතිහාසික හිමිකමක් නැත. අනුව එම ගෘෘපවලින් ඔබ කල්ලිය වහා ඉවත් කරනු ඇත.“]

What we quoted above is the first paragraph of the July 06th letter. The rest of the letter is as follows:

“ට්රොට්ස්කිවාදී ජාත්යන්කරවාදයෙන් පලාගිය ජාතිකවාදී කල්ලියක් ලෙස හදුනාගත් ඔබට අප එවන ලද කිසිම ලේඛනයකින් ඔබට ජාත්යන්තරවාදය තුල කිසිදු වලංගුභාවයක් අත්කර දෙන්නේ නැත. එම ලිපි හා සටහන් ඔබට එවන ලද්දේ අප සැබෑ ජාත්යන්තරවාදීන් ලෙස ඔබ කල්ලියට පැවති වගවීමේ භාරයක් නිසා නොව, සහෝදරවරුන් අතර දේශපාලන පැහැදිලි කම සඳහා උදවි වීම පිනිසය. අප වගකියන්නේ කම්කරු පන්තියට ඔබ කල්ලියට සසප ෆැක්ෂනක් ලෙස හදුනාගැනීමට කිසිදු ඓතිහාසික හිමිකමක් නැති බැවින්, ඔබගේ තීන්දු මගින් ජාත්යන්තරවාදී කන්ඩායම බඳිනු ලැබිය නොහැකිය

thesocialist.lk වෙබ් අඩවිය ආරම්භ කලේ  සසපවම නම් ෆැක්ෂනයේ ප්රකාශන මාධ්යය ලෙස . එය කොල්ල කෑම සඳහා ජාතිකවාදී කල්ලියකට අවස්ථාව නොලැබෙනු ඇත. ෆැක්ෂන අරගලයේ කොටසක් ලෙස, එනම් ජාත්යන්තරවාදයේ කොටසක් ලෙස ආරම්භ කල බැවින් වෙබ් අඩවියේ සුජාත හිමිකම ඇත්තේ අප ජාත්යන්තරවාදී කන්ඩායමටය

මේ කාරනා මත, සසපවම ෆැක්ෂනයේ වේදිකා ලෙස ආරම්භ කල “ඇග්රගේට්හා “කතිකාවට්ස්ඇප් සංවාද ගෲප තුල රැඳී සිටීමට ඔබට කිසිදු ඓතිහාසික හිමිකමක් නැත. අනුව එම ගෲප වලින් ඔබ කල්ලිය වහා ඉවත් කරනු ඇතඑහෙත්, එහි ඉතිහාස ඔබට බා ගත හැක.  

මේ රටේත්, මේ කලාපයේත් කම්කරු පීඩිත මහජනතාවගේ අරගලවලට නායකත්වය සම්පාදනය කල හැකි විප්ලවවාදී, සමාජවාදී ජාත්යන්තරවාදී නායකත්වයක් ගොඩනැගීමට, සසප ෆැක්ෂනයක් ලෙස අපි  බොල්ෂවික ක්රමවේදය හා මූලධර්ම මත සටන් වදිනු ඇත. එය අසීරු ආරම්භයක් බව අපි දනිමු. එහෙත්, ඉතිහාසය එම වගකීම වෛශිකවම අප මත පවරා ඇති බව වටහා ගන්නා අපි එම අරගලය අප්රතිහත ධෛර්යයකින් යුතුව  පෙරට ගන්නෙමු



මිගාර මල්වත්ත,

සුනිල් ප්රනාන්දු,

සංජය ජයසේකර.

2024 ජුලි 06”.

[විල්සන්ගේ පලා යාම පුදුමයට කරුනක් නො වේ. සසප පන්ති ව්‍යාපාරය තුල පරීක්ෂනයට ලක් වීමට පෙර ම මොහු මධ්‍යම කාරක සභාවට හා දේශපාලන කමිටුවට පත් කර ගත්තේ ය. 2019 ගොඩ නැගූ කලාව හා ප්‍රකාශනයේ නිදහස ආරක්ෂා කිරීමේ ක්‍රියාකාරී කමිටුවේ සභාපති ධූරය ද ඔහුට පැවරී ය. නායකත්වය සමග ගැටලු මතු වූ වහා ම විල්සන් දේශපාලන කමිටුව හා ක්‍රියාකාරී කමිටුව හැර පලා ගියේ ය. මෙබඳු ධෛර්ය හීන නිවට පුද්ගලයෙකු කම්කරු පන්ති සදාචාරයට බැඳෙන්නේ නැත.]  The circumstances that led to my resignation, as the last option, have to be discussed separately at length. Nandana knows well about these circumstances and even subsequently approved my actions and admitted the leadership’s unprincipled pressure exerted upon me as an unbearable reality. My resignation from the ACDAE (Action Committee) and PC (I did not resign from the CC) were based on serious political issues. I was fighting against a number of retrogressive characteristics that I saw had developed overtime within the membership and in the day-to- day operation of the Party. 

[අප විසින් සාමූහිකව වර්ධනය කෙරුනු-thesocialit.lk -වෙබ් අඩවිය සඳහා රුපියල් 14,500ක් කොලඹ ක්‍රියාකාරී කමිටුවෙන් ලබාගෙන තිබූ අතර එම මුදල කොක්‍රිකට ගෙවීම අප විසින් කල යුතු ය යි කල්ලියේ ප්‍රධාන කොල්ලකරුවා වන සංජය විල්සන් දන්වා එවා තිබිනි.] These are only provocative falsehood and slanders, part of his unsuccessful smear campaign against us, characterizing their middle-class politics. Attending to the settlement of accounts have been neglected by CACPS Treasurer, Nihal, and inadvertently not acted upon by Parakrama, who handled theSocialist.lk funds, as explained above. Nandana is well aware how efficiently Nihal operated. [දැනටමත් වටහා ගත හැකි පරිදි ඒ වන විට විල්සන් සමග අපගේ හවුල් ගිනුමක තිබුනු රුපියල් 30,000ක මුදල බේරා ගැනීම සඳහා වහාම ඉවත් කර නො ගත්තේ නම් එය ද කොල්ල කනු නො අනුමාන ය.] As explained above, N-clique looted money from theSocialist.LK joint bank account, which they did not have any political right of retaining. [කෙසේ වෙතත් අපි මේ ගැන විල්සන්ට දැනුම් දුනිමු. වෙබ් අඩවිය තම භාවිතයට ගත් විල්සන් එම මුදලින් ඒ සඳහා ගත් නය බේරන ලෙස අපට ලියා එවා තිබිනි.]

[මෙසේ පොදු දේපල කොල්ල කෑම,] Which public property he means? Turn to the experience of the history of splits in our movement to see how party property – especially the press and the theoretical organ – was succeeded by those claiming  political legitimacy for the historical continuity of the movement. On the other hand, the renegades of the movement  and those who have been legitimately expelled from the movement have no political right to claim any property rights. [සාකච්ඡා ප්‍රතික්ෂේප කිරීම,] They rejected discussions and we only called for discussions. When discussions were finally carried out, issues were cleared and political lines were distinctly drawn and obviously recognized. Finally, at the dead end, obviously, unending discussions were undeserved and redundant. [බහුතර මතය ගරු නො කිරීම] As explained above there was no majority decision-making as such; Nandana had got a close clique with him in support of his every idea. The group decisions were largely made during discussions between Sanjaya and Nandana and others agreed. The group had no office bearers. Nandana was selected at the very inception to chair the meetings on my proposal, due to his long experience in the Party leadership. [යනු කම්කරු විරෝධී සුලු ධනේශ්වර නිලධාරිවාදයේ ප්‍රකාශනයෝ වෙති. කෙසේ වෙතත් තමන් ජාත්‍යන්තරවාදීන් යයි ඔවුන් කියාගන්නා දෙය ගැන අප කිව යුතු වන්නේ, අප කිසියම් පුද්ගලයෙකු වටහා ගන්නේ ඔහු තමන් ගැන පවසන දෙයින් නො ව ඔහුගේ ක්‍රියාවන්ගෙන් සහ ඔහු ප්‍රචාරය කරන දෙයින් ය යි කාල් මාක්ස් පවසා ඇති බව ] Marx is correct, and we established why they are a nationalist clique, and why we are internationalist, based on asserted political standpoints.  We are not just a web group; we, the Socialist Lead of Sri Lanka and South Asia (SLLA), the Revolutionary Left Faction (RLF) of SEP, inherit the legitimate claim for the historical continuity of Bolshevism and fight for resolving the crisis of proletarian leadership, which task they have expressly rejected. We abandoned using the term “SEP-Left” as they had illegitimately used it even after their expulsion from it in a diatribe published against us on 12 July 2024, which is full of distorted quotations and false allegations.

[විල්සන් කල්ලියේ කැරැල්ල]

The revolt referred to here is our expulsion of the Nandana-led reactionary clique from the SEP-Left. Nandana covertly finds another reason for our “revolt”.  The truth is otherwise. The most recent circumstances for the expulsion of these renegades  arose when our final submissions were made and we did not let theSocialist.LK to succumb to their nationalist lines. The clique then assembled and decided to take control of the website and impose their nationalist politics forcefully upon us, based on a never-existed or accepted “majority decision” of their never-formed “committee”. Their ostensible hatred against us is fuelled by this political wisdom of ours that prevented them from executing an organizational coup against the internationalist tendency, subjugating it under their clique’s control. 

[මෙම ඊනියා ජාත්‍යන්තරවාදීන් සහ සසප වම අතර දේශපාලනික පිපිරීමට තුඩු දුන් ආසන්නතම සිද්ධිය වූයේ, “පොලීසිය, තමන් නින්දාවට පත් කරන කරුනු පත්රිකාවක අඩංගු කල නො හැකි බව කියමින් කොලඹ ක්රියාකාරී කමිටුවට (කොක්රික) කඩා පනී“ යන හිසින් ලෝක සමාජවාදී වෙබ් අඩවියේ සිංහල අංශය 2024 පෙබරවාරී 29 දා පල කල ලිපිය සම්බන්ධයෙන් අපගේ ප්‍රතිචාරය පිලිබඳ පැන නැඟුනු මතභේදය යි]

This is an outright lie. The differences arose only at least from the date of December 25, 2023, when Sanjaya made a programme proposal to the group in a document titled “The Way Forward for SEP-Left”, which Nandana shamelessly suppresses. This significant document suggested as follows:

Comrades should note that our expulsion by the Political Committee of the SEP is subject to the approval of the Congress [Party Constitution Clause 10(f)]. Congress is the final appeal body, only which we can place our trust upon, and we should appeal to the Congress for the revocation of our expulsion. Trotsky did the same, when he was expelled by the leadership of the Russian Communist Party. As Cannon says, Trotsky did not just get up and walk away from the Party. In 1928, when the Sixth World Congress of the Comintern was held in Moscow, Trotsky, at the first opportunity he got, appealed to the Congress against his expulsion. He at the same time submitted a criticism of the Draft Program prepared by Bukharin and Stalin. This commentary only paved the way for the establishment of a section of the Trotskyist Left Opposition in the United States, under the leadership of Cannon.

We too can and must use this opportunity and be ready to appeal to the next Congress of the Party. But, in the meantime there is a tremendous bulk of work to be done. We work continuously as the SEP-left faction – which we continue to claim ourselves to be – with our full might with the goal of building a new leadership in the party, and this requires fighting for political clarity on the degeneration of the Party leadership and the party as a whole. These documents will enlighten the party membership mainly, and also the working class at large. We will continue to publish our documents on our publication organ, theSocialist.LK.”

Even long prior to this proposal of the programme of action, comrades Sunil, Migara and Sanjaya were pointing out the necessity of defining the group as a faction of the party, so that our struggle is well programmed and we would be able to recruit new comrades to the faction. This document and our explanations to the group proposed a factional struggle to fight against to-be-defined reactionary tendencies of the party leadership and to appeal for our membership (along with a Congress perspective resolution), all of which Nandana rejected. In January and early February 2024, the group had two days of discussion on this proposal, and further discussions in this regard were effectively rejected, falsely claiming that issues have been resolved and Nandana was going to draft and finalize a long-awaited and assigned document explaining the Party’s degeneration, which he never did.  Thereafter, the ensuing discussion was centered on Nandana’s proposal, made on March 16, to form SEP-Left as a group that pressures the party leadership against its shifting toward the political right. He proposed a new formulation of programme, consisting of alternative options:  the SEP-Left shall struggle to put the party on the right track, and join with them in the revolution when they lead and do it, and if they fail and derail itself from ICFI programme, then the SEP-Left will step in and lead the masses! We rejected this opportunist and pragmatic formulation that abandoned the task of the revolutionary Party of resolving the crisis of the proletarian leadership. We stood for the factional struggle to build the SEP as the revolutionary leadership of the working class of Sri Lanka and the region. [ආන්ඩුවේ මර්දන හස්තයක් වන “යුක්තියේ මෙහෙයුමට“ එරෙහිව කොක්‍රික දියත් කල අරගලයට පොලිසියේ තාඩන පීඩනවලට මුහුන දීමට සිදු වුනි. සසප ලිපිය පැහැදිලිව ම එම පොලිස් මර්ධනයට එරෙහිව කම්‍කරු පන්තියට අනතුරු හැඟවූයේ ය.]

[ඒ අතර සසප, කොක්‍රික කෙරෙහි මහජන අප්‍රසාදය කැඳවන ප්‍රකෝපකාරී ප්‍රකාශයක් ද තම ලිපියේ අඩංගු කලේ ය. “සමාජවාදී සමානතා පක්ෂය (සසප) මෙම කොලඹ ක්රියාකාරී කමිටුව සමග ගැඹුරු දේශපාලන වෙනස් කම් තිබිය දී ඔවුන්ට එල්ල කර ඇති මෙම රුදුරු ප්රහාරයට විරුද්ධත්වය පල කරයි. කොලඹ ක්රියාකාරී කමිටුව පිහිටුවාගෙන ඇත්තේ විනය චෝදනා මත සසපයෙන් නෙරපා හරින ලද කන්ඩායමකි,“ යනුවෙන් එහි සඳහන් විය. මෙම ප්‍රකාශය කම්කරු පීඩිත ජනයා කිහිප අතකින් ම නො මග යවනසුලු වන අතර සසප නායකත්වය කවර කලෙකවත් පවතිනවාය කියන මෙම දේශපාලන ප්‍රශ්න පැහැදිලි කිරීමට මැදිහත් වී ද නැත. එසේ මැදිහත් වීමේ හැකියාවක් ද ඊට නැත. සත්තකින්ම එය ලැබුනු සෑම අවස්ථාවකම කොලඹ ක්‍රියාකාරී කමිටුව අප්‍රසාදයට ලක් කර විනාශ කිරීමේ අරමුනින් වැඩ කර ඇත. නමුත් සසප වම බහුතරය මෙම විකෘතියට විරුද්ධව එය නිවැරදි කිරීමට උත්සාහ කලා මිස සසප නායකත්වය අනුගමනය කල පිලිවෙතින් ම ප්‍රතික්‍රියා නො කලේ ය.]

[රටේ සියලු පක්ෂ හා සංවිධානවල විවෘත හෝ නිහඬ සහාය (සසප මේ පෙරමුනට එක් නො කල යුතු ය) ලැබ  ක්‍රියාත්මක වූ රාජ්‍ය මර්දන ව්‍යාපාරයට විරුද්ධව මූලිකත්වය ගෙන ක්‍රියාත්මකව මැදිහත් වූ එකම සංවිධානය කොක්‍රිය යි. ත්‍රිත්වය මෙයින් ලද ප්‍රසාදය මත දෙපා පිහිටුවා ගෙන මුලු වැර යොදා සසපට පහර දීමට යෝජනා කලහ. මාර්තු  2දා සංජය විල්සන් මෙසේ යෝජනා කලේ ය. “සැබෑව නම් සසප නායකත්වයේ කට්ටිවාදය (sectarianism), නිලධාරීවාදය (Bureaucratism) හා අපෝහක විරෝධී සංස්ථිතිකවාදය  (conservatism) යන දේශපාලන ප්රවනතාවයන් හෙලි දරව් කිරීමට කටයුතු කරමින් ලංකාවේත්  මෙම කලාපයේත් විප්ලවවාදී පක්ෂය ආරක්ෂා කිරීමට අඛන්ඩව කටයුතු කරමින් සිටින්නේ සසප වාම කන්ඩායම යි.] The faction and the factional fight obtain political legitimacy when our factional fight is based on defined political lines as against another faction and, therefore, defining SEP-Left in opposition to reactionary tendencies of the party leadership is a political necessity. Our characterization of the party leadership was thus to serve this purpose. The characterization we arrived at was drawn from the common understanding, historical experience and knowledge of the members of the group and upon the general perspective of the membership of the party. We, party comrades, knew how these tendencies manifested in the party leadership, and we were required to place that understanding in a historical, internationalist and class analysis, which is an enormous task they refused, even as a group work, and we undertook. N-clique never expressly rejected this characterization – though we could construe their refusal of the same – nor suggested their own characterization of the reactionary tendencies of the leadership, because they recognized no such tendencies within the party leadership. 

[හාස්‍යජනක කරුන නම්, යුක්තියේ මෙහෙයුමට එරෙහිව අප ගෙන ගිය අරගලයට මුල සිට ම විරුද්ධව සිටි මිගාර මල්වත්ත සහ සුනිල් මොරායස් යන ත්‍රිත්වයේ සාමාජිකයින් දෙදෙනා] They never opposed, but raised valid concerns.  [වහාම සංජය විල්සන්ගේ සහායට පැමිනීම ය. ඔවුනට වැදගත් වූයේ රාජ්‍ය මර්ධනයට එරෙහි ව මහජනයා බලමුලු ගැන්වීම පසෙක තබා ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ එකම කම්කරු පන්තික විප්ලවවාදී පක්ෂය වන සසපයේ නායකත්වයට මුලධර්ම විරහිත ප්‍රහාරයක් එල්ල කිරීම බව සනාථ කිරීමට ඉහත උපුටනය වුව ප්‍රමානවත් ය.] This conclusion shows Nandana’s ahistorical approach to the significance of the correctness of the leadership of the revolutionary party in the class struggle. Readers would note that this allegation that we wanted to mount an ‘unprincipled attack on SEP’ is totally unfounded and dishonest, given that the very quotation Nandana cites proves the advanced and theoretical struggle we were supposed to take. [රාජ්‍ය මර්ධනයට ඉඩ දෙමින්] We gave way for state repression! This is again a malicious lie. [දකුනු ආසියාවේ එක ම කම්කරු පන්තික විප්ලවවාදී පක්ෂයට මූලධර්ම විරහිත ප්‍රහාරයක් ඉල්ලා සිටීමේ ක්‍රියාව] We demanded a factional struggle to build the party, which is Bolshevik method, and they rejected it. [වෛෂයිකව සැලකූ විට, ඒ කම්කරු පන්තියට ද්‍රෝහි වීමක් හැර එහි අන් අර්ථයක් තිබේ ද?.] A vile, Goebbelsian lie again. 

[මාර්තු 13 සසප වම වෙනුවෙන්  නන්දන නන්නෙත්ති  ලියූ, “රාජ් මර්දනයට එරෙහි කොලඹ ක්රියාකාරී කමිටුව හා ශ්රී ලංකාවේ සමාජවාදී සමානතා පක්ෂයේ භාවිතය“ යන ලිපිය බහුතරයේ අනුමැතියෙන් thesocialist.lk හි පල කෙරින] This is a distortion of facts. Not just the N-clique, but all group members tacitly approved the article. It was edited and approved by website’s Editor, Sanjaya for publication.

[සංජය විල්සන්ගේ යෝජනාව ප්‍රතික්ෂේප කල එය] It could not reject the proposed characterization of the SEP leadership, nor elaborate on it, simply because the characterization was just tabled for discussion, and the article only did not go to the extent of discussing the disputed issue. [සසප ලිපිය කොක්‍රිකට එල්ල කල ප්‍රහාරයේ  අර්ථය පැහැදිලි කිරීමෙන් ඉක්බිති මෙසේ අවසන් කලේ ය. “සසප මෙම තත්වය බැරෑරුම්ව සලකා බැලිය යුතු ය. වෛෂයික සත්‍යය යටපත් කිරීමට අවස්ථාව සැලසූ කොන්දේසි එකිනෙක බිඳ වැටෙමින් පවතී. වර්ධනය වන පන්ති අරගලය සත්‍යය ඉස්මත්තට ගෙන එනු ඇත.“]

[මෙම ලිපිය නිසා උරන වූ විල්සන් කල්ලිය,] A false claim. If there was such a dispute, the article would not have been published at all. [සිය මූලධර්ම විරහිත ප්‍රයත්නය ජාත්‍යන්තරවාදයේ නමින් ඉදිරිපත් කරමින් සිටින අතර ම, කන්ඩායමේ සතිපතා රැස්වීම් හා ක්‍රියාකාරි මැදිහත් වීම් කඩාකප්පල් කිරීමට වැඩ කලේ ය.] The issues to be resolved were now about the faction’s fundamental existential issues and, so, the regular discussions or activities of the group and of the Editorial meetings had lost their political validity and legitimacy, until those fundamental existential issues, the political characterization of the group, were resolved. [විල්සන් කොක්‍රික සභාපති ලෙස ඔහුට පැවරුනු වගකීම්  නො තකා එය අක්‍රීය කිරීමට ද ක්‍රියා කලේ ය.] Nandana was trying to employ his clique and convert CACPS into an organization of his impressionistic and middle-class pressure politics, away from the working class struggles, which endeavours Sanjaya was careful to guard against. [තමන්ට ප්‍රශ්න ඇති නිසා ඒවා විසඳෙන තෙක් කිසිවක් කල නො හැකි යයි කී විල්සන් කල්ලිය විසින්, මාර්තු සිට ජුලි දක්වා මාස පහක කාලයක් ඒවා විසඳා ගැනීමට ලබා දුන් සියලු අවස්ථා මගහරින ලදී.] This is again falsehood and an outright lie. We waged a principled struggle in carefully preparing our documents, submitting explanations, and engaging in the discussion, which Nandana shamelessly suppresses.

[විප්ලවවාදී ව්‍යාපාරය වර්ධනය වන්නේ පරස්පර විරෝධය මග හැරීම තුල නො ව පරස්පර විරෝධයන් ජය ගැනීමට ගෙන යන අප්‍රතිහත අරගලය තුල ය. විල්සන් ත්‍රිත්වය අපෝහක භෞතිකවාදයේ මෙම මූලධර්මයට හතුරු වූහ.] Nandana habitually uses the phrases “dialectical materialism”, “dialectical method” or “dialectics” as rhetoric.  [අපි වට්ස්ඇප් ගෘෘපය තුල ලිඛිතව ගෙන ගිය සාකච්ඡාවට අමතරව විශේෂ සාකච්ඡා දෙකක් මැයි 3 හා මැයි 12 දෙදින තුල ත්‍රිත්වය සමග සිදු කලෙමු] This was the final round of discussions referred to above. [ඔවුන් දිගින් දිගටම අවධාරනය කරමින් කියා සිටින, සසප නායකත්වයේ ඇතැයි කියන ප්‍රතිගාමීත්වය අවස්ථාවාදය යනාදිය වෛෂයික, ඓතිහාසික පදනමක පිහිටා විශ්ලේෂනය කර සනාථ කරන මෙන් අපි ඔවුන්ගෙන් ඉල්ලා සිටියෙමු.] This claim is bogus. This discussion never materialized fully.  They even never expressly agreed or disagreed with our characterization of the SEP leadership’s reactionary tendencies, nor did they propose any other characterisation. Immediately after our arbitrary expulsion from the party, it was agreed between Sanjaya and Nandana, known to other comrades of the group, to write a document explaining the party’s long-time degeneration, which he neglected and never did. It was only we who from the very inception demanded a characterization of the SEP-Left,  in relation to the party leadership, which thereupon only ignited all disputes, and Nandana delayed and even rejected clarifying this fundamental question of the nature of the ‘faction’ claiming such question was non- existent. Then the discussion was directed toward the fundamental form of our ‘faction’, as Nandana rejected the factional struggle, while refusing to appeal to the party Congress under its Constitution for our membership of the party and to fight for our party membership. He proposed our group should act as a pressure group to redirect/realign SEP leadership to the left from shifting further to the right. Nandana even tried to mislead the comrades of the group by falsifying the history of the Bolshevik movement and asserting that you don’t need to be a member of ICFI/SEP to be a Trotskyist internationalist! He further maintained that the SEP-Left does not need any ‘official’ affiliation to the ICFI to be identified as ‘internationalist’! This is a complete rejection of internationalism, the fundamental principle of Bolshevism. We rejected to accept this nationalist perspective. [එවිට ඔවුහු එම ප්‍රශ්නයට ප්‍රතිචාරය ලෙස ලිඛිත ප්‍රකාශයක් ලබා දීමට පොරොන්දු වූහ. ඉන් අනතුරුව සාකච්ඡාව ගෙන යා හැකි බව ඔවුහු යෝජනා කලහ.] This is false. We did undertake to produce, before my final submissions, a conclusive document, not dealing with our characterization of the reactionary tendencies of the party leadership, which was not the issue at that stage of discussions, but on the fundamental nature of our group’s struggle, refuting their nationalist formulations. Also, even during this period WhatsApp discussions were going on and we were making necessary contributions. [ඒ අනුව මාස දෙකකට පසු  එකම දේ පුනරුච්චාරනය කරමින් ඉවබවක් නැති චෝදනා හා ඕපාදූපවලින් පිර වූ පිටු 65ක් අපට භාර දුන් ඔවුහු ඉන් දින දෙකකට පසු සාකච්ඡා කිරීමට දෙයක් නැතැයි පලා ගියහ] As explained above, this is a shameful suppression of important events in the development of the discussion. The last document titled, “The Way Forward for SEP-Left against the Nationalism of Nandana-Udayaprema Group”, preceded two other major documents dated 08.04.2024 and 03.05.2024, cumulatively comprising of another 30 odd pages titled “The way Forward for SEP-Left: Essential Political Questions”, written by comrade Migara, and several other essential notes made by comrade Sanjaya clarifying the political issues. (These documents and notes are accessible to those comrades who wish to study our struggle and join SLLA to fight to build SEP)

[වගකීම් විරහිත චෝදනා

ලිපියෙන් ඔවුහු මේවා ගෙන හැර දක්වති: “සිංහල බෞද්ධ ස්වෝත්තමවාදය සමග වාස්තවිකව පෙල ගැසීම,“ “2015 සම්මේලනය ව්යවස්ථා විරෝධී ලෙස කැඳවීම,“ “සාමාජිකත්වය දෙගුනයක් කිරීමට 2020 යෝජනාව කඩාකප්පල් කිරීම මගින් ඓතිහාසික මට්ටමේ දේශපාලන අපරාධයක් සිදු කිරීම,“ 2021 ගුරු අරගලය තුලදී  “මහා වර්ජනයකට මුහුන දීමේ නුසූදානම පෙන්නුම් කරමින් කම්කරු පන්තිය තුල විශ්වාසය බිද ගැනීම,“ “විප්ලවවාදී ප්රවනතාවය සම්පූර්නයෙන් විප්ලවවාදී පක්ෂයෙන් මෙන් හජාජාකවෙන් ප්රජාතන්ත් විරෝධී ලෙස පලවා හරිමින් ඓතිහාසික අපරාධයක් සිදු කිරීම,“ “2022 විප්ලවවාදී නැගිටීමේ දී ඓතිහාසික පරීක්ෂනයෙන් අසමත් වීම.

මෙහි සඳහන් අතිශයෝක්ති නො තකා, ඒවා  ඒ හැටියට ම සත්‍යය යයි අප මොහොතකට පිලිගත්තත් මේවා එම චෝදනාවල යථා සම්බන්ධතා පැහැදිලි නො කරයි. ප්‍රශ්න හුදෙක් දමා ගැසීම හෝ ඒවා මග හැර සිටීමේ ප්‍රතිඵලය වන්නේ, ඒවාට හේතු වන ධනේශ්වර සමාජ පරස්පර විරෝධයන් හඳුනා ගැනීමට ඇති අවස්ථාවන් අහිමි කර දමා පවත්නා විඥානයට තවතවත් වර්ධනය වෙමින් පැවතීමට ඉඩ හසර විවර කිරීම ද, ඉන් නො නැවතී තමන්මත් ඒවායේ ගොදුරක් බවට පත් වීම ද බව ඉතිහාසයේ අත් දැකීමයි.] Our readers would note that these documents were written as internal documents to the former members of the party, who were well aware of these matters, and had a tacit agreement with. To explain these to a larger working class audience, we are required to write extensively, which Nandana delayed continuously and later abandoned, exposing his dishonesty in the undertakings he had given, failing to mobilize the group for the task, in spite of major contributions made by Migara in that regard. We, SLLA, are continuing this struggle. 

[මොවුහු දිගින් දිගටම සසප නායකත්වය ප්‍රතිගාමී ය යන තමන්ගේ නීර්නය පිලිගන්නා ලෙස අපට බලපෑම් කලහ. ලිපියේ පිටුවක් පාස ප්‍රතිගාමී යන වචනයෙන් සසප නායකත්වය හදුන් වන අතර එහි 10 ((XXXI) ඡේදයෙන් “ප්‍රතිගාමී සසප නායකත්වය විස්ථාපනය කරමින් ව්ප්ලවවාදී පක්ෂය තුල නිවැරදි නායකත්වයක් පිහිටු වීමට උදයප්‍රේම -නන්දන කන්ඩායම සූදානම් නැත“ යි අපට චෝදනා කරයි. අපි එම චෝදනාව නො පැකිල පිලි ගනිමු.] Exactly! They admit it expressly now, showing they have nothing to do with a factional struggle. Nandana clique is not waging a struggle for the resolution of the crisis of the leadership of the working class of this country and the region. For them, the SEP leadership, for years, have only shown their hostility to principles from their this or that actions, and these expressions of hostility to principles do not represent any development of identifiable reactionary tendencies within the  leadership. Therefore, what is necessary is to exert pressure from outside upon the leadership against their shifting to the political right. For this, they do not need membership of the party or the International Committee. There is no necessity of a factional struggle too, as the party leadership has not shown any reactionary tendencies in their practice. When we asked this specific question from them, whether they considered these ‘unprincipled’ practices to have developed into the status of reactionary tendencies, they just avoided the question. But, we were correct in the analysis of their positions, and we clearly identified that they have no grounds or intention to claim to engage in a factional struggle.

[විල්සන් තම ස්ථාවරය සම්බන්ධයෙන් කෙතරම් නිර්දය වූයේ ද යත් උදයප්‍රේම සහෝදරයා  ලියා thesocialist.lk අපගේ වෙබ් අඩවියේ 2024 ජුනි 28 දින පලකල “වැටුප් දීමනා ලබා නො දීමේ ආන්ඩුවේ පියවර හා කම්කරු අරගල“ යන ලිපිය කන්ඩායමේ විරුද්ධත්වය නො තකා තමන්ට අවශය පරිදි වෙනස් කලේ  “සසප නායකත්වයේ ප්රතිගාමීත්වයට“ යනුවෙන් පදයක් ඊට එක් කරමිනි. විල්සන් “කතෘ වෙබ් අඩවියේ දේශපාලන පිලිවෙත් අනුව ලිපියට එක් කරනු ලැබූ අවසන් ඡේදයට ලේඛකයා බලවත් නො එකඟතාවය පලකර ඇති බව කරුනාවෙන් සලකන්න.“ යි ලිපියට පහලින් සටහන් කලේ ය.] [වෙබ් අඩවියේ දේශපාලන පිලිවෙත් අප විසින් පත්කෙරුනු කතෘට තීන්දු කල නො හැකි බව කවුරුන් වුවත් පිලිගනු ඇත]  As explained before, Sanjaya was not the appointed editor, but he was the editor. Readers are reminded of the leadership the “The Three Generals”, Cannon-Shachtman-Abern, had assumed in themselves “by a higher law” because they started the fight after they were expelled from the Communist Party of the US in October 1928 and declared a faction, before they were formally formed as a faction of the CP in May 1929.  The edition as quoted above was the most correct political decision. We placed the article in its internationalist perspective and under the Bolshevik method of factional struggle. Correctly quoted, the article was edited to state as follows: “අන් සියල්ලටමත් මත්තෙන්, හජජාක ලංකා ශාඛාව වන සමාජවාදී සමානතා පක්ෂය ගොඩ නැගීමත්, තුල ඉදිරි මහජන අරගලවලට නායකත්වය සම්පාදනය කල හැකි අව්යාජ විප්ලවවාදී නායකත්වය ස්ථාපිත කිරීමත් කම්කරු පන්තියේ ජීවිතය හා මරනය පිලිබඳ ප්රශ්නයකි. සසප නායකත්වයේ ප්රතිගාමී ප්රවනතාවන්ට එරෙහිව නායකත්වයේ මෙම අර්බුදය විසඳීමේ අරගලය සසපවම ෆැක්ෂනය පෙරට ගනිමින් සිටී. 

[හුදු වැරදි ගැන නන් දෙඩවීම හැර සසප නායකත්වයේ ප්‍රතිගාමීත්වය (reactionary) සමාජයේ ඉදිරි ගමන වැලැක්වීම හෝ ආපස්සට ගමන් කරවීමට උත්සාහ දැරීම යන එහි නියම අර්ථයෙන් පැහැදිලි කර සනාථ කිරීමට ඔවුන් කිසි දිනක උත්සාහ කර නැත.] This was the task of the faction, and we, the RLF only have undertaken this grand political and theoretical task. Admittedly, Nandana clique has abandoned such a factional struggle. [අනික් අතට ප්‍රතිගාමී නායකත්වයක් විසින් මෙහෙයවනු ලබන පක්ෂයක් ප්‍රගතිශීලී වීමට ද ඉඩක් නැත. මන්ද යත්, ඉතිහාසයේ පාඩම් අනුව පක්ෂ ගොඩ නගනු ලබන්නේ ද, ඒවා විනාශ කරනු ලබන්නේ ද නායකත්වයන් විසින් මිස සාමාජිකයන් විසින් නො වන නිසා ය.]  [එවන් නායකත්වයක් ජාතිකවාදී ප්‍රතිගාමී ධනේශ්වරයේ ම උපකරන, වර්ගවාදී, ආගම්වාදී, ව්‍යාජ වාම වන් ප්‍රපංචයක් ලෙස මතු වී සිටිය යුතු ය.] These are unqualified, grossly simplified and vague historical generalizations in respect of the dialectics between the leadership, the party, the membership and the class. One may asses the interactions of these vectors in the examples of  the following – the circumstances that led Lenin to formulate April Theses, the class formation of the party just after the Russian Civil War that laid the ground for the formation of Stalinist bureaucratism, and Trotsky’s struggle of the Left Opposition against Stalinism. Does Nandana have evidence of such manifestations in the reactionary leadership of the WRP? [තතු එසේ නම්, එය කම්කරු පන්ති ව්‍යාපාරයෙන් පලවා හැරීමට සටන් කිරීම යුක්ති යුක්ත ය.]


Nandana clique never bothered to arrive at any clarification as to our characterization in respect of the reactionary tendencies of the party leadership, nor of bureaucratism too. As explained above, they tacitly rejected any such development of reactionary tendencies in the party leadership, except for admitting the existence of this or that sort of conduct against principles. Were those clarifications attempted by them during the course of our discussions within the group these arguments would have been adequately dealt with by us at that stage of the discussion.

[එසේ ම අප වාම කන්ඩායම පක්ෂයෙන් නෙරපා හැරීම වැනි කරුනු කිහිපයක් සසප නායකත්වයේ නිලධාරිවාදයට (Bureaucratism) සාක්ෂි ලෙස ඔවුන් ගෙන හැර පා ඇත.] SEP Leadership’s toxic subjectivism and bureaucratism that we characterize as a matter of fact have developed due to its long-time isolation from the working class, thus being unprepared to lead the class struggles, which is an enormous challenge posed by the unprecedented upsurge of spontaneous class struggles. This was demonstrated vividly during the historic mass struggles of April-July 2022. This alienation led to sectarianism and conservatism, which aggravated bureaucratism in a vicious cycle.  These, in the final analysis, are the consequences of subjugation to the nationalist pressures of the prevailing bourgeois consciousness of the working class, upon which the leadership has diluted its faith in the potential to educate an advanced section of the working class as Marxist revolutionaries, ultimately leading to skepticism in the revolutionary role of the working class of countries of belated capitalist development like Sri Lanka and those of South Asia.  This goes against the very principles of the Permanent Revolution. Manifested in a multitude of ways, this developed in the leadership a nationalist opportunist tendency. SLLA documents being prepared will explain this analysis further. This development is an objective historical process, and Nandana is not only trivializing the depth and degree of this phenomenon but also fails to recognize this qualitative development. Therefore, it is patently clear why Nandana and the clan cannot move forward an inch beyond simple identification of this or that unprincipled conduct of the leadership. [සසප නායකත්වය තුල නිලධාරීවාදී ප්‍රවනතාවක් වැඩෙන බව ප්‍රදර්ශනය කල බොහෝ අවස්ථා ඇති බව අපි පිලිගනිමු. ඒවා පක්ෂය තුල කුෂ්ටයක් මෙන් වැඩෙන්නට ද උත්සාහ කරයි. පක්ෂයේ පරිහානියට දැනටමත් හේතු වී ඇති මේ තත්වයට පිලියම් නො කලහොත් පක්ෂය විනාශයට බඳුන් වීම නො වැලැක් විය හැකි ය. එහෙත් මේ තත්වය සියලුම විප්ලවවාදී මූල ධර්ම යටපත් කරමින් පරිපාකයට පත් වී ඇතැයි අපට කිව හැකි නො වේ. අපි බිත්තරයට කුකුලා යයි නො කියමු. නිලධාරීවාදය පරිපාකයට පත් වී ඇති පක්ෂයකට තව දුරටත් ජාත්‍යන්තර කමිටුවේ සාමාජිකත්වය දැරීමට ඉඩ ලැබෙනු ඇතැයි සිතීමට හැකි වීම නිලධාරිවාදය තරම් ම භයානක ය.] ICFI has a rich historical experience to learn from about how sections of the ICFI degenerated while still having membership of the IC. This was explained at length by Migara in his final document, and Nandana is tiptoeing to easily avoid dealing with this important explanation. We are also aware that the International Committee has taken steps to hold the mirror of its own history that reflects the rich heritage of the experiences of our struggles against petty-bourgeois opportunism that developed within the movement in 1953 and in 1973-1986 in the British section, so that the SEP leadership sees its dark face in it. Nandana thus confirms that they are not fighting against any reactionary tendencies within the party leadership, therefore denying any legitimacy for SEP-Left to be recognized as a political faction of SEP.

Further, here Nandana says bureaucratism is growing within the SEP which has already degenerated, and left untreated will destroy the party. But, astonishingly, throughout a period of over two and a half years of the existence of the SEP-Left, it was Nandana himself who sabotaged the development of the necessary vital marxist  analysis in that regard by undertaking to do it himself but never doing it.  Even now he is rejecting the same out of hand, while launching into vicious, fraudulent and uncouth attacks upon us, because we have undertaken the task and conduct the struggle in the traditions and methods of our movement.

[කාල් මාක්ස් සහ ෆෙඩ්රික් එංගල්ස් නිලධාරිවාදය යනුවෙන් අදහස් කලේ, සමාජයේ පාලනයෙන් මුලුමනින් ම ස්වාධීන හා සමාජය පාලනය කරන රාජ්‍ය මෙවලමකි. සාමාන්‍ය කාලවල දී එහි පාලනය සූරා කැවෙන පන්තිය මත අධිකාරය දරයි. මෙම ප්‍රශ්නය එලඹෙන විප්ලවය විසින් විසඳෙනු ඇතැයි ඔවුහු විශ්වාස කලහ. වත්මන් පන්ති සමාජයේ ධනපති දේශපාලන පක්ෂ, ව්‍යාජ වාම පක්ෂ හා වෘත්තීය සමිති ධනේශ්වර පාලනයේ නිලධාරිවාදී උපකරන ය.] Raising confusion in the reader/listener is another tactic of Nandana, a desperate and exhausted man trying to influence the reader at any cost. Bureaucracy within the leadership of the revolutionary party is a separate and specific phenomenon, that has a long and a rich literature dealing with it. 

V.I. Lenin. 1917

1905 දී ලෙනින් මෙන්ෂෙවික් කන්ඩායම මාධ්‍යමික නිලධාරිවාදී කන්ඩායමක් බව හඳුනා ගත්තේ ය. එය මහජනයාගේ ඓතිහාසික අවශ්‍යතා ප්‍රතික්ෂේප කර ඒ වෙනුවට ධනේශ්වර ප්‍රතිසංස්කරනවාදය හා විප්ලවවාදය අතර වැනුනේ ය. ලෙනින් මෙම කන්ඩායම ක්ෂමා විරහිත ලෙස පිටු දැක්කේ ය. එම තීන්දුව සනාථ කරමින් එම කන්ඩායම රුසියානු විප්ලවයට එරෙහිව ධනපති පාලනයක් වෙනුවෙන් පෙනී සිටියේය. තවත් වරෙක ඉහත ආස්ථානය තව දුරටත් ඉස්මතු කරමින් ලෙනින්, පැහැදිලිකම සඳහා සටන් කිරීම වෙනුවට තේරී පත්වීම උදෙසා සටන් කිරීම නිලධාරිවාදය ලෙස නම් කලේ ය. මෙම ප්‍රකාශයට අනුව පලා ගිය විල්සන් කල්ලිය ද අනුයමින් සිටින පිලිවෙත වන, පැහැදිලිකම සඳහා කෙරෙන සාකච්ඡා හා විශ්ලේෂන පසෙක තබා තම අදහස් කෙසේ හෝ සෙසු අය මත පැටවීමේ බලහත්කාරය, හා පොදු දේපල කොල්ල කෑමේ භාවිතය ද නිලධාරිවාදයේ ලක්ෂනයකි.] Trying to impose his own interpretation of orthodox texts on the listener/reader is Nandana’s tactic. Taking into consideration the aforementioned struggle of ours in defense of Bolshevik method and internationalism, our reader is now able to assess the malicious nature of these allegations. 

[එහෙත් තන්ත්‍රය සහ නිලධාරිවාදය යන වචනවල වෙනසවත් මෙම කල්ලිය නො දනී. ඔවුන්ගේ පිටු 65 තුල සඳහන් වන්නේ මේ දෙක ම එකක් බව ය. විප්ලවවාදී පක්ෂවල තන්ත්‍රයක් නැතැයි ඔවුහු සිතති.] “තන්ත්‍රය” is regime, and it meant SEP’s bureaucratic regime when the group used it, even in the initial discussions within the group, prior to the current disputes ripened. This is another instance of playing word games by twisting the meaning of the words. In our December 25 draft programme too, the term ‘bureaucratic regime’ was used to mean exactly that. Nandana now seems to presume an SEP leadership regime, which is ‘inclined towards opportunism’ (as he has stated), but free from a tendency which is toxically subjective and bureaucratic. Comrade Migara has explained the shift in Nandana’s standpoint on leadership in his last document.

[වෙනත් ඕනෑම සංවිධානයකට මෙන් ම ප්‍රජාතන්ත්‍රවාදී, මධ්‍යගත විප්ලවවාදී පක්ෂකට නිලධාරි තන්ත්‍රයකින් තොරව පැවතිය නො හැකි ය යන කරුනට ඔවුන් අන්ධ ය. සෝවියට් සංගමය පාලනය කල බොල්ෂෙවික් ප්‍රජාතන්ත්‍රවාදී තන්ත්‍රය පැහැර ගත් සෝවියට් රුසියාවේ ස්ටැලින්වාදී තන්ත්‍රය, සමස්ථ ලෝක කම්කරු පන්තියේ ම අවශ්‍යතා සිය අරමුනුවලට යටත් කල නිලධාරිවාදී තන්ත්‍රයකි.] Here is a serious distortion of historical experience, intended to apply a preferred meaning to a word (regime) used for a different meaning in a different context.The leadership of the revolutionary party is not a bureaucratic regime.  Soviet Bolshevik regime under Lenin was not a bureaucracy, but a dictatorship of the proletariat. It was a bureaucratic regime only from the eyes of the imperialists. Lenin took up a struggle against the growing ‘bureaucratization’ of the Soviet state under Stalin. For the loyal party member, the Bolshevik leadership was not a bureaucratic regime, but a leadership held accountable by the organizational principle of democratic centralism. [එහෙත් අවස්ථාවාදය වැලඳ නො ගත්, කම්කරු පන්ති ජාත්‍යන්තර ඉදිරි දර්ශනය සඳහා සටන් කරන පක්ෂයක් තුල නිලධාරීවාදී ප්‍රයත්න ඉස්මතු වීම පරස්පර විරෝධී තත්වයකි. මේ ගැටලුව විසඳා ගැනීම වෙනුවට ‘තමන්ට වාසි පැත්තෙන් අල්ලා ගෙන පොර වදින්නේ, වෛෂයික සත්‍යය වෙනුවට, තමන්ට අවශ්‍යය ප්‍රතිඵලය ලබා ගැනීමේ අරමුන වෙනුවෙන් ක්‍රියා කරන තත්කාර්යවාදීන් ය.] As pointed out before, our discussions within the group did not develop into discussing these  proposed characterizations of the tendencies of the party leadership. The whole essay/article has evaded the central questions around which our discussions developed. The discussion was not about our characterization of the reactionary tendencies of SEP leadership, which we stand upon, but about the form of our struggle – whether as a pressure group, which we pointed out is a nationalist formation or as a faction, which is Bolshevik method of internationalism.

[අනෙක් අතට පක්ෂ නායකත්වය තුල නිලධාරීවාදය මතු කල වෛෂයික කොන්දේසි ගැන ත්‍රිත්වය නිහඬ ය?] As the gist of the analysis above shows, this demands a comprehensive analysis, which is forthcoming, and was prevented to be the subject matter of our discussions within the group, as explained, due to fundamental existential problems of the faction itself. [ඒ වෙනුවට ස්ටැලින්වාදී නිලධාරීවාදය ගැන කරුනු කියයි. මාක්ස්වාදීන් පැහැදිලිව ම වටහාගෙන ඇති පරිදි  ස්ටැලින්වාදී නිලධාරිවාදය වෛෂයික පදනමක් නැති, ඉබේ පහල වූ, හුදු ආත්මීය දුර්වලතාවයන්ගේ ප්‍රකාශනයක් නො ව, අධිරාජ්‍යවාදය විසින් වට කරනු ලැබූ පසුගාමී රටක විප්ලවය, ලෝක විප්ලවය පමා වීමෙන් හුදකලා වීම, ලදරු කම්කරු රාජ්‍යය වසර තුනක සිවිල් යුද්ධයකට මුහුන පෑම, භාන්ඩ හිගය යන තත්වයන්ගේ ප්‍රකාශනයකි.]

[මෙයින් ම පැහැදිලි වන පරිදි, නායකත්වයක බරපතල වැරදි වටහා ගත හැකි වන්නේ, එය වැඩ කරන ජාතික හා ජාත්‍යන්තර ආර්ථික දේශපාලන කොන්දේසි තුලින් ඒවා පැන නැග වර්ධනය වූ ආකාරය පිලිබඳ ව ඓතිහාසික භෞතිකවාදය මත පදනම් ව සිදු කෙරෙන විශ්ලේෂනයකින් පමනි. විල්සන් කල්ලිය, පක්ෂ නායකත්වයේ ප්‍රශ්න හුදෙක් ම එම නායකයන්ගේ සදාචාරය පිලිබඳ ගැටලු බවට සිඳලයි…] As explained above, the whole essay/article has evaded the central questions around which our discussions developed. 

Being part of a dirty smear campaign, Nandana’s essay is far from being a political contribution. The N-clique is unable to show we have gone against any of the fundamental principles of Bolshevism. 

Their Politics and our Struggle

Nandana clique has thus expressly abandoned any factional struggle against reactionary tendencies of the party leadership. They have found a comfortable zone that suits their middle class way of life, specifically as journalists and not as disciplined revolutionaries committed to the revolutionary party, and dedicated to resolving the crisis of proletarian leadership. Thereby, it has lost all political legitimacy of claiming themselves a faction of the SEP, as part of those revolutionaries who defend and develop the heritage of the historical continuity of the revolutionary Bolshevik movement. They have expressly abandoned the revolutionary role of solving the crisis of the leadership of the working class, and claim to operate a website to promote “the revival of socialist culture” devoid of the Party of the working class. This suits their formulation of the characterization of their group to be a pressure group, functioning as a watch-dog of the party leadership, rejecting any attempt to struggle for the membership of the international party of the working class. The whole epistemology of the historical documents of the class, the party and the leadership has been abandoned. 

Against their nationalist orientation, we emphasized and have based ourselves on the principles of the historical traditions of Bolshevik internationalism, as correctly pointed out by Gerry Healey to British Trotskyists in 1943 in his document of August 10, 1943, titled, “Our Most Important Task.” In this document Healey came out against the WIL leadership’s opposition to the unification of British Trotskyists as proposed by the Fourth International. We insisted upon these principles to the N-clique, who never valued their revolutionary significance, and now has rejected them in practice. Healy wrote:

The main purpose of this document is to bring home to the membership the importance of being the official section of the Fourth International in view of the vital necessity to strengthen the traditional organization of Trotskyism in the great struggle already begun. If we accept the history of international Trotskyism since 1933 (which is a history of Bolshevik regroupment in the Fourth International), then we must place the question of the International as the most important question before the group. All other questions of group development, such as the press, industrial work or organizational activity are bound up with whatever stand we take on the International. If we accept the political principles of Bolshevism then we must accept the organizational method. It is not sufficient to say that we accept the program of the Fourth International and that we expound it better than the RSL if we do not also accept its organizational method, which means that we must be affiliated to the International, accepting its democratic centralist basis; just the same as it is not sufficient to claim to be a Trotskyist and to be more conversant with the policy of Trotskyism than the organized Trotskyists, unless one joins a Trotskyist party accepting its democratic centralist discipline. That is what is meant by Bolshevik organizational methods.” Excerpt from Gerry Healy and his place in the history of the Fourth International, David North.

Join SLLA, Build SEP!

Petty-bourgeois Nationalism versus Internationalism: The struggle for the historical continuity of Bolshevism and resolving the crisis of proletarian leadership Read More »


Vote for the Socialist Equality Party of Sri Lanka: Advance the International Socialist Program of the ICFI

Statement of the Socialist Lead of Sri Lanka and South Asia (SLLA), the Revolutionary Left Faction of the Socialist Equality Party (SEP) of Sri Lanka.

  1. In the Presidential Election to be held on September 21, the working class, youth, students, peasants and the oppressed middle class have no choice between any of the capitalist, right-wing and pseudo-left parties that contest the  election. The only choice is their own party, the Socialist Equality Party (SEP), the Sri Lankan section of the International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI), the World Party of Socialist Revolution,  that stands alone in this election, advancing a program based on the principles of international socialism: against imperialist war,  austerity and for democratic rights. A vote for SEP is an expression of approval to uphold and advance the perspective and program of the ICFI for international socialism, that can genuinely emancipate the working class from the tyranny of capital. SLLA therefore calls upon our class brothers and sisters to vote for SEP in this election.

The global capitalist crisis and its manifestation in Sri Lanka and South Asia

  1. The profound crisis engulfing Sri Lanka or any other country in South Asia is not an isolated phenomenon but a concentrated expression of the global breakdown of capitalism. Decades of neoliberal policies, dictated by imperialist financial institutions such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and willingly implemented by successive governments, have driven the working masses into an abyss of social misery. The soaring inflation, unemployment, squalid working conditions, inequality and pervasive poverty are not aberrations but the direct consequences of a global system that prioritizes profit over human need.
  1. The capitalist ruling elite in Sri Lanka—whether under the guise of the Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna (SLPP), the Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB), or any other bourgeois formation—has no solution to this crisis. They are committed to further austerity measures, deeper cuts to essential social services, and more severe attacks on the living standards of the working people, which President Ranil Wickremasinghe has spearheaded since the suppression and betrayal of the 2022 mass uprising.  These parties, regardless of their superficial differences, serve the same class interests: those of the domestic and international bourgeoisie.
  1. The working class in Sri Lanka, as in every other country, is trapped in a system that is both incapable of reform and unwilling to concede even the most basic social rights. It is a system that is inexorably driving humanity towards economic devastation, environmental catastrophe, and the threat of global war. The SEP alone insists that the solution lies not in patchwork reforms or the replacement of one capitalist party with another but in the revolutionary overthrow of the capitalist system itself.

The Global Escalation of US Imperialism: From Ukraine and Gaza to Asia

  1. The eruption of US-NATO’s war against Russia in Ukraine and the genocidal onslaught by Israel in Gaza are not isolated events but integral components of a broader strategy of global domination pursued by American imperialism. These conflicts, along with the escalating tensions in Asia, are driven by the relentless pursuit of the United States to maintain its global hegemony in the face of intensifying economic and geopolitical challenges. The working class in Sri Lanka, like workers around the world, is being dragged into this maelstrom of imperialist violence, which threatens to engulf the entire region in a catastrophic war.
  1. In Ukraine, the US and its NATO allies have provoked and sustained a brutal conflict aimed at weakening Russia, one of the key rivals to US dominance in Eurasia. The war in Ukraine, which has already claimed hundreds of thousands of lives, is not about defending democracy or Ukrainian sovereignty, as Washington claims, but about advancing American strategic interests by encircling and destabilizing Russia. This conflict is pushing the world toward a nuclear confrontation with incalculable consequences for humanity.
  1. Simultaneously, the genocidal bombardment of Gaza by Israel, fully backed and armed by the United States and other imperialist powers including Germany, is a stark expression of US imperialism’s ruthless determination to secure its dominance in the Middle East. The slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza, coupled with Washington’s unwavering support for Israeli apartheid, is a crime of historic proportions, exposing the hypocrisy and barbarism of US foreign policy. The imperialist drive in the Middle East, like in Europe and Asia, is about controlling key resources and strategic territories to bolster hegemony of the Wall Street.
  1. These aggressive moves are part of a broader imperialist strategy that is now rapidly expanding into Asia, where the US is building a vast military alliance aimed at encircling and confronting China. Sri Lanka, situated at a critical juncture in the Indian Ocean, finds itself increasingly caught in the crosshairs of this escalating conflict. As the US intensifies its military preparations against China, compelling its regional allies and partners to fall in line, Sri Lanka is being drawn into the vortex of war. The Colombo government’s increasing alignment with Washington, under immense economic and political pressure, threatens to transform the island into a frontline state in the impending imperialist war in Asia.
  1. These interconnected conflicts—whether in Ukraine, Gaza, or the Indo-Pacific—are all manifestations of the same underlying crisis of global capitalism. The working class in Sri Lanka must recognize that their struggle is inseparably linked to the struggles of the international value producing class against imperialist war. The ICFI has called for the building of a powerful international anti-war movement, led by the working class, to oppose the US-NATO war drive, defend the rights of the oppressed in Gaza, and resist the imperialist encirclement of China. Only through the revolutionary overthrow of capitalism and the establishment of socialism can the descent into global war and barbarism be stopped. Only the SEP fights for this program.

The SEP’s Revolutionary Program: For an International Socialist Strategy

  1. The SEP’s program is grounded in the principles of Marxism, as defended and elaborated by the ICFI. It is a program that uncompromisingly opposes all forms of nationalism, opportunism, and reformism, which seek to chain the working class to the capitalist state and its parties. The ICFI fights for the political independence of the working class, based on the understanding that the working class is the only social force capable of leading a revolutionary transformation of society.
  1. Central to the SEP’s program is the principle of internationalism. The global nature of the capitalist crisis demands a global solution. The SEP rejects all nationalist illusions and insists that the struggle for socialist revolution must begin in the national arena,  unfold in the international arena and be completed in the world arena. This demands the building of sections of the ICFI in each country of the world. The working class in Sri Lanka must unite with their class brothers and sisters around the world in a common fight against the capitalist system.
  1. The SEP’s program includes:
  • The Establishment of a Workers’ Government: The SEP calls for the establishment of a workers’ and peasants’ government, committed to the socialist reorganization of society. This government would expropriate the major industries, banks, and financial institutions, placing them under the democratic control of the working class.
  • A Socialist Planned Economy:  The SEP advocates for a planned economy based on social need, not private profit. This includes the nationalization of all major industries and resources, ensuring that the wealth produced by the working class is used to meet the needs of society as a whole.
  • The Rejection of IMF Austerity: The SEP opposes all austerity measures imposed by the IMF and other imperialist financial institutions. The party demands the repudiation of all foreign debts that have been used to impoverish the masses while enriching the capitalist elite.
  • Defense of Democratic Rights: The SEP fights for the defense and extension of democratic rights, including the right to strike, protest, and organize independently of the capitalist state and its political apparatus. The party also opposes all forms of ethnic and religious discrimination, recognizing that such divisions serve to weaken the working class and strengthen the ruling elite.
  • Opposition to Militarism and War:  The SEP unequivocally opposes the militarization of society and the drive towards war, whether in Sri Lanka, US or globally. The party stands for the dismantling of the military-industrial complex including the nuclear war-heads and the reallocation of resources to meet pressing social needs.
  • Solidarity with the international working class: The SEP is committed to building a worldwide movement of the working class against capitalism. The party expresses full solidarity with the independent struggles of workers in every country, from the strikes in Europe and the United States to the mass protests across Asia, Africa, and Latin America.
  • Rallying youth and students in the struggle for socialism: The SEP recognizes that youth and students are a vital force in the struggle for socialism. Under capitalism, young people face a future of unemployment, precarious work, and ever-increasing levels of debt. The capitalist system offers them nothing but a life of exploitation and insecurity. The SEP calls upon youth and students to break with the bourgeois parties and movements that seek to trap them in a dead-end of reformism and identity politics, to  rally behind the working class and build ICFI’s youth-wing, the International Youth and Students for Social Equality (IYSSE).

The Bankruptcy of the NPP and FSP: No Alternative for the Working Class

  1. In the midst of the deepening social crisis in Sri Lanka, parties like the National People’s Power (NPP) and the Frontline Socialist Party (FSP) pose as alternatives to the established bourgeois parties. However, their history, programs and political activities reveal that these organizations are fundamentally opposed to the interests of the working class and serve only to prop up the capitalist order.
  1. The NPP, led by the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP), a right-wing party of the capitalist establishment, claims to represent a “progressive” alternative to the traditional parties, yet its entire political orientation is toward the preservation of capitalism. The JVP’s program is rooted in the same nationalist and reformist outlook that has characterized its politics since its inception. The NPP offers no genuine solution to the catastrophic conditions facing the masses. It proposes mild reforms within the framework of capitalism, failing to address the systemic causes of the crisis. The NPP’s calls for anti-corruption measures and a more “efficient” capitalist state are nothing more than attempts to conceal the root causes of the bourgeois crisis and divert the growing anger of the working class into safe channels that do not threaten the existing order.
  1. Moreover, the NPP’s chauvinist history, including its role in supporting the communalist war against the Tamil population, exposes its inability to unite the working class across ethnic lines. Its record demonstrates that it cannot be trusted to defend the democratic rights of all workers. Instead, it seeks to foster illusions in the possibility of a “clean” and “fair” capitalist government, a delusion that only serves to disarm the working class in the face of escalating social attacks. If and when they are  in power, the NPP will strengthen the capitalist oppression on the working class, in line with imperialist demands. 
  1. The Frontline Socialist Party (FSP), which broke away from the JVP in 2012, similarly fails to provide a revolutionary alternative. While the FSP engages in more radical rhetoric and criticizes the JVP for its “betrayals”, it remains fundamentally committed to a nationalist and populist perspective. The FSP, like the NPP, advocates for reforms within the capitalist system rather than its overthrow. Its program is based on the false premise that the Sri Lankan state can be pressured to act in the interests of the working class if enough “progressive” forces are mobilized.
  1. The FSP’s nationalist orientation also places it in opposition to the internationalist principles that are essential for the liberation of the working class. It seeks to channel workers’ struggles into the dead-end of parliamentary politics, where they can be more easily controlled and dissipated. The FSP’s alliance with trade unions, which are deeply integrated into the state apparatus and function as tools of capitalist control, further underscores its role in maintaining the status quo.

The SEP/ICFI Perspective on the Tamil National Question

  1. SEP- Sri Lanka and the ICFI have a principled and historically grounded perspective on resolving the Tamil national question—one that stands in stark contrast to the bankrupt nationalism of the Tamil bourgeoisie and the chauvinism of the Sinhalese ruling elite. The SEP insists that the democratic rights of the Tamil people can only be secured through the united struggle of the entire working class in Sri Lanka—Sinhalese, Tamil, and Muslim—based on an internationalist and socialist program.
  1. The roots of the Tamil national question lie in the reactionary partition of British India in 1947, which left behind a series of communal conflicts and unresolved national questions across South Asia. In Sri Lanka, the Sinhala ruling elite has long exploited ethnic divisions to maintain its class rule, systematically discriminating against the Tamil minority to divert social discontent and prevent the unification of the working class. This culminated in the brutal civil war, in which successive governments waged a genocidal campaign against the Tamil population, culminating in the massacre at Mullivaikkal in 2009.
  1. The SEP categorically rejected the separatist perspective of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), which sought to establish an independent capitalist statelet in the North and East of Sri Lanka. The LTTE’s program, rooted in Tamil bourgeois nationalism, offered no solution to the oppression of the Tamil masses. Rather, it served to divide the working class and align the Tamil struggle with various imperialist powers. The LTTE’s strategy of appealing to India and imperialist powers for support was fundamentally opposed to the interests of the Tamil people and led to the organization’s eventual defeat.
  1. The SEP, in contrast, upholds the right of the Tamil people to the democratic right to put an end to all forms of national oppression, which is the essential progressive content of the right to national self-determination. However, the SEP insists that the realization of this right cannot be achieved through the formation of a separate capitalist state, which would simply create new forms of capitalist exploitation, class oppression and imperialist domination. Instead, the SEP fights for the unity of the Sinhalese and Tamil working classes in the struggle for the perspective of a United Socialist States of Sri Lanka and Eelam, as part of the broader fight for a Socialist Federation of South Asia and Internationally.
  1. This perspective is based on the understanding that the liberation of the Tamil people, like that of the Sinhalese, can only be achieved through the overthrow of capitalism and the establishment of socialism. The SEP stands for the abolition of the unitary state constitutional structure imposed by the Sri Lankan bourgeoisie on the working class of all ethnicities and for the establishment of a federation of socialist republics, which would guarantee full equality and democratic rights for all nationalities. This is inseparable from the struggle to build an international socialist movement that unites workers across South Asia and globally against imperialism and capitalism.
  1. The SEP’s program for resolving the Tamil national question is thus fundamentally opposed to all forms of nationalism and chauvinism. It is a perspective that recognizes that the oppression of the Tamil people is not an isolated issue but a manifestation of the broader contradictions of the capitalist system. The SEP fights to unite the working class across ethnic lines, in a common struggle for a socialist future, where the democratic rights of all peoples are fully realized. Only through the revolutionary overthrow of capitalism can the historical injustices faced by the Tamil people be rectified, and a lasting solution to the national question be achieved.

 Building ICFI Sections across South Asia

  1. The crisis of capitalism is global, and nowhere is this more evident than in South Asia, a region plagued by deep-seated social inequality, ethnic conflicts, and the ever-present threat of imperialist war. The ruling classes across the subcontinent—from India and Pakistan to Bangladesh and Sri Lanka—have proven utterly incapable of resolving these crises. Instead, they have resorted to intensifying exploitation, whipping up nationalist and communal divisions, and suppressing the struggles of the working class. In this context, the necessity of building sections of ICFI in every country in South Asia is not merely an organizational task but a life-and-death question for the working class.
  1. The working class in South Asia, numbering in the hundreds of millions, is the only social force capable of leading the struggle against capitalism and imperialism. However, for this potential to be realized, the working class must be armed with a revolutionary socialist program that transcends national borders and unites workers across the region and globally. The ICFI, with its unbroken continuity of Trotskyism and its principled opposition to all forms of nationalism and opportunism, provides the necessary leadership for this historic task. The building of ICFI sections across South Asia is indispensable for educating advanced sections of the working class and mobilizing them around the perspective of permanent revolution—the understanding that the democratic and social tasks in semi-colonial countries can only be achieved through the socialist revolution, led by the working class and extending internationally.

Mobilizing the Industrial Power of the Working Class

  1. Central to the success of this revolutionary struggle is the mobilization of the immense industrial power of the working class through the methods of class struggle: strikes, factory occupations and general strikes.  Across South Asia, workers are engaged in daily battles against brutal exploitation, wage theft, unsafe working conditions, and the dismantling of social protections. Yet, these struggles are repeatedly betrayed by the traditional trade unions, which have long been integrated into the capitalist state and function as instruments of class collaboration. These unions, tied to the ruling parties and nationalist agendas, serve to stifle and divert the militancy of the working class into dead ends, preventing any challenge to the capitalist system.
  1. In response, the ICFI advocates for the establishment of independent action committees, or rank-and-file committees, within every workplace and community. These committees, controlled by workers themselves, must be built outside the bureaucratic grip of the official unions. They are the means through which workers can democratically organize their struggles, link up with other sections of the working class, and prepare for the revolutionary seizure of power. These committees are not simply vehicles for economic demands but are the foundational structures of dual power, laying the groundwork for a workers’ government that would expropriate the capitalists and reorganize society along socialist lines.

Power to the Working Class: The Path Forward

  1. The task of these action committees extends beyond the workplace. They must become centers of political education, training workers in Marxist theory and the lessons of historical struggles, while exposing the reactionary role of all bourgeois and petty-bourgeois parties. They must also act as conduits for international solidarity, linking the struggles of workers in South Asia with those of their class brothers and sisters worldwide, particularly in the advanced capitalist countries. The International Workers’ Alliance of Rank and File Committees, established by the ICFI has undertaken this task of materializing international working class unity. 
  1. The struggle for power must be rooted in the understanding that the working class, led by the revolutionary party, organizing its methods of struggle,  is the only force capable of resolving the immense social and democratic issues facing the masses. The action committees must evolve into organs of direct workers’ power, capable of challenging the bourgeois state and establishing a workers’ government based on socialist principles.
  1. In every country of South Asia, the necessity of building sections of the ICFI as the revolutionary leadership of the working class and mobilizing workers through action committees is urgent. The alternative is the continued descent into barbarism—poverty, environmental catastrophe, communal bloodshed, and world war. The ICFI alone offers a way forward, and the necessary leadership, based on the principles of international socialism and the unity of the working class across all national, ethnic, and religious divisions. The ICFI section of the United States contests the upcoming presidential election, against the capitalist Democratic and Republican parties, with the same  internationalist and socialist program. The future of South Asia, and indeed the world, depends on the ability of the working class to seize power and reorganize society along socialist lines. 

Stand with this perspective. Vote for SEP!

Join SLLA, Build SEP!

Vote for the Socialist Equality Party of Sri Lanka: Advance the International Socialist Program of the ICFI Read More »


Free  Bogdan Zyrotyuk, arrested by the fascistic Ukrainian regime!

May 31, 2024, 

Editorial statement of theSocialist.lk 

 The leader of the Young Guard of Bolshevik Leninists (YGBL), a Socialist, Trotskyist organization operating in Ukraine, Russia and the former Soviet Union, was arrested on April 25 by the SBU – the state security service of the fascistic Zelensky regime – and detained in a maximum security prison in the southern Ukrainian city of Nikolaev (Mykolaiv).

thesocialist.lk claims that he was arrested for his leading role in the campaign by the International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI) and the World Socialist Web Site (WSWS) against the criminal war of NATO imperialism and calls for his immediate release and the withdrawal of criminal charges made against him.

Insisting that this arrest is a usurpation of the democratic right of the working class to stand up against the scourge of war, we call on workers, youth, and oppressed people around the world to come forward to free Bogdan and to defend the political rights of the WSWS by defeating this attack. 

Bogdan has been charged primarily with treason, for which the 25-year-old Bogdan is in danger of being sentenced to life in prison. The basis of this accusation is that for the past two years, Bogdan was “engaged in the preparation of publications commissioned by representatives of a Russian propaganda and information agency, the World Socialist Web Site [emphasis added.]

In bringing this absurd charge against the WSWS, they conveniently ignore the analytical critiques of comrade Bogdan and the World Socialist Web Site regarding the Russian capitalist regime’s invasion of Ukraine. Bogdan, who advocated the opinion of the International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI) in this regard, that the bankrupt Russian capitalist class had no other choice but to fall into the trap of the world war plans of the imperialists in the face of the imperialist pressure brought on by surrounding its borders day by day, insisted that only the unity of the international working class can defeat the cruel war plans of imperialism.

The target of this repression against Comrade Bogdan is the internationalist resistance against war—the geopolitical strategy of imperialism. It is no coincidence that the WSWS is a target of the Ukrainian security service. This attack is directed not only at the WSWS but also at the socialist internationalist alternative to imperialist war.

The arrest of Comrade Bogdan is an indication of the wider crisis of not only the Ukrainian fascist regime, which has been at war with Russia for more than two years as a puppet of the NATO imperialists, but also the NATO imperialists, who are sponsoring the war by pumping money and arms behind them. The tension of the entire world capitalist order, squeezed by the already ripened antagonisms between globalised production and the world market and the capitalist nation-state system that dominates it, is characterised by unprecedented social inequality and the cracking up of the whole post-World War II  order— systems of governance, international conventions, intergovernmental organisations and borders. The result is the rapid pull towards a world war by all the imperialist powers. This situation has led to a situation where the spectre of the socialist revolution is terrorising imperialism. This is why the imperialists and capitalist regimes want to crush democratic rights completely. The ruling class of Sri Lanka is being driven rapidly towards anti-democratic dictatorial plans by these very conditions of the crisis, which provides the backdrop to the war effort of the imperialists.

American imperialism, which has virtually been at war every day for more than three decades, is now leading NATO on a desperate march towards a global thermonuclear war. It is at war with Russia using the Ukrainian cat’s paw, providing weapons, funds, and diplomatic support for the genocide crimes of the Netanyahu fascist regime of  Israel in the Middle East. It is working to outlaw the protests and arrest the protesters—workers and students—for those crimes. In Ukraine, the US ruling class headed by Joe Biden and NATO are working to arm the Zelenskiy regime, which is openly violating human rights, as admitted by a bureau of the  U.S. State Department itself. They are giving the Ukrainian regime the ability to drop missiles on the Russian public, hence creating the potential for massive civilian casualties. The aim is to provoke Russia into a thermonuclear war.  

These conditions have thrown all pseudo-leftist projects of applying pressure on imperialism and the capitalist system and of seeking refuge in capitalist ‘justice’ and ‘peace’, into crisis. Objective conditions are increasing for the potential to convince the working class that the only way to prevent genocide and war is to mobilise the working class all over the planet from an internationalist socialist perspective. It is under these circumstances that the watchdogs of imperialism jump in to attack Comrade Bogdan and the WSWS.

Thus, it is apparent that standing up against the arrest of Comrade Bogdan is not simply for the democratic rights and freedom of a socialist in a distant land. Instead, it is a necessity of the day-to-day struggle of the workers, the oppressed, students, and young people across the globe facing challenges to their lives and livelihoods. Defeating this reactionary attack is a burning need for the oppressed and the workers.

We call upon the workers in Sri Lanka, in the South Asian region, and in the entire world to mobilize struggles by organizing discussions, meetings, campaigns, strikes, and various other class actions against this arrest by taking such campaigns to the students, workers and the oppressed. Furthermore, we call upon all our readers to sign the petition posted on Change.org demanding the release of Comrade Bogdan.

[This statement was originally posted in Sinhalese on May 31, 2024]

Stop the political frame-up of Ukrainian socialist Bogdan Syrotiuk!

Demand the  release of  Bogdan Syrotyuk, socialist opponent of NATO’s indirect war, from Ukrainian prison – David North

Free  Bogdan Zyrotyuk, arrested by the fascistic Ukrainian regime! Read More »


Demand the release of Bogdan Syrotiuk, socialist opponent of NATO’s proxy war, from a Ukrainian prison

David North@davidnorthwsws
30 April 2024

On Thursday, April 25, Bogdan Syrotiuk—a socialist opponent of the fascistic Zelensky regime and the NATO-instigated Ukraine-Russia war—was arrested by the Security Service of Ukraine, the SBU, in his hometown of Pervomaisk in southern Ukraine.

Bogdan Syrotiuk

Bogdan, who is 25 years old and in poor health, is being held in a prison in Nikolaev under atrocious conditions on fraudulent charges of undermining the territorial integrity of Ukraine and serving the interests of Russia. If found guilty by a kangaroo court of these charges, Bogdan is threatened with a prison sentence of 15 years to life, which is the equivalent of a death sentence.


The arrest of Bogdan is the latest example of the Zelensky regime’s brutal repression of left-wing movements, whose opposition to the war is finding a growing response within the Ukrainian working class.

SBU agents ransacked Bogdan’s apartment and the office that he has used to conduct political and educational activities. The World Socialist Web Site has been informed that the SBU is claiming that it found a Russian military coat, a backpack with the letter “Z”—a symbol associated with Russian military chauvinism—and a gas mask in the office. Only dull-witted fascist police will expect people to believe that such items will be found in an office that prominently displays a photo of Leon Trotsky and offers a wide selection of Marxist-Trotskyist literature.

If such items were “found” in Bogdan’s office, it is because they were planted there by the SBU, whose unscrupulous and Gestapo-like methods are common knowledge in Ukraine.

Bogdan Syrotiuk at a May 9 rally in honor of the Soviet victory over Nazi Germany in World War II.

Attempts to portray Bogdan as a supporter of the Putin regime and its invasion of Ukraine are politically preposterous. Comrade Syrotiuk is a leading member of the Young Guard of Bolshevik-Leninists (YGBL), a Trotskyist youth organization active in Ukraine and throughout the former Soviet Union.


In political solidarity with the International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI), the YGBL opposes the oligarchic capitalist governments in both Ukraine and Russia. In numerous articles posted on the World Socialist Web Site and in speeches delivered at events sponsored by the ICFI, Bogdan has unequivocally condemned the war and called for the unity of the Ukrainian and Russian working class against the reactionary national-chauvinist regimes headquartered in Kiev and Moscow. His comrades in Russia unequivocally oppose the capitalist restorationist regime of Putin and its delusional glorification of neo-tsarist Russian nationalism.

In a speech written three days before his arrest, which he planned to deliver at the International Committee’s upcoming celebration of May Day, Comrade Bogdan states:

“On the day of international solidarity of the working class, we, members of the Ukrainian branch of the Young Guard of Bolshevik-Leninists, and the entire YGBL call for the unification of the Ukrainian and Russian proletariat with the proletariat in the imperialist countries to end this war!”

The arrest of Comrade Bogdan Syrotiuk, part of a pattern of brutal repressive measures by the Zelensky regime against opponents of the war and the entire working class, exposes the lying claim that the US-NATO war against Russia is being waged in defense of democracy. Ukraine is a police state. Its population is subjected to martial law. Elections have been cancelled and Zelensky rules as a dictator, subject only to the dictates of his NATO sponsors, the financial interests of the billionaire oligarchs, and the neo-Nazi gangs upon whom he relies to intimidate the Ukrainian people.

In fact, the US State Department’s Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor acknowledges in its latest report, issued earlier this month, the Ukrainian regime’s brutally repressive character. Among the grave “human rights issues” cited by the report are:

“enforced disappearance; torture and cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment; harsh and life-threatening prison conditions; arbitrary arrest or detention; serious problems with the independence of the judiciary; restrictions on freedom of expression, including for members of the media, including violence or threats of violence against journalists, unjustified arrests or prosecutions of journalists, and censorship; serious restrictions on internet freedom; substantial interference with the freedoms of peaceful assembly and association; restrictions on freedom of movement; serious government corruption; extensive gender-based violence; systematic restrictions on workers’ freedom of association; and the existence of the worst forms of child labor. Some of these human rights issues stemmed from martial law, which continued to curtail democratic freedoms, including freedom of movement, freedom of the press, freedom of peaceful assembly, and legal protections.”

Under these conditions of vicious repression, the life of Bogdan Syrotiuk is in immediate danger. Within the prisons, the inmates are subject to the violent regime instituted by an administration saturated with Ukrainian fascists. The State Department report further states:

“Although the constitution and law prohibited torture and other cruel and unusual punishment, there were reports law enforcement authorities engaged in such abuse. Under normal circumstances, courts could not legally use confessions and statements made under duress to police by persons in custody as evidence in court proceedings, but the institution of martial law since the start of Russia’s full-scale invasion permitted this.”

Particularly ominous, given the attempt of the SBU to frame up Bogdan as an agent of the Russian military, is the State Department’s finding that:

“There were reports law enforcement and military officials abused and, at times, tortured persons in custody to obtain confessions, usually related to alleged collaboration with Russia.”

The Kiev regime, which is responsible for these atrocities is being showered with billions of dollars and armed with the most advanced weaponry by the United States and its NATO allies. The arrest of Bogdan occurred just as the US Congress voted to allocate another $60 billion to a war that has already cost the lives of approximately 500,000 Ukrainian soldiers. The Biden administration and its counterparts in London, Paris, Berlin, Rome and the other capitals involved in the direction of the proxy war are no less responsible for the fate of Bogdan Syrotiuk than their agents in Kiev.

The working class and youth throughout the world are justly outraged by the criminal war being waged by Israel, with the support of the Biden administration and NATO, against the people of Gaza. But it must be understood that the same governments that are collaborating in the Gaza genocide are sponsoring the proxy war in Ukraine. The violence in Gaza and Ukraine are interconnected fronts in a global escalation of military conflicts that threaten humanity with a nuclear catastrophe.

The fight for Bogdan’s freedom and for an end to the proxy war must be seen as an essential component of the struggle against imperialism, genocide, and fascism.

The International Committee of the Fourth International and the World Socialist Web Site call for a global campaign to demand the immediate release of Bogdan Syrotiuk.

The international working class and student youth throughout the world must be informed of the seizure of Bogdan and mobilized in his defense.

We call for the widest circulation of this statement on all available social media. An online petition calling for the freedom of Bogdan has been established at Change.org. We urge you to sign the petition and post a statement on the site amplifying your call for his freedom. Bring this campaign to the attention of your co-workers and fellow students. For more information on how you can become involved in the fight for Bogdan’s release from prison, contact the World Socialist Web Site at this address.

Bogdan Syrotiuk must be freed!

Demand the release of Bogdan Syrotiuk, socialist opponent of NATO’s proxy war, from a Ukrainian prison Read More »


An election for the billionaires

By Patrick Martin

Former President Donald Trump, left, and President Joe Biden on Wednesday, March 13, 2024. [AP Photo/Associated Press]

There are two presidential elections taking place in the United States in 2024. The voting by the American population, which culminates on Election Day on November 5, will receive the bulk of the media attention.

Far more decisive, however, is the second election, which is going on right now, in which a relative handful of billionaires and corporate oligarchs decide which of the candidates of the two established capitalist parties, Democratic President Joe Biden and Republican ex-President Donald Trump, will better serve their class interests.

As of March 31, the Biden campaign had more than double the cash on hand of Trump and the Republicans, $192 million compared to $93.1 million. The Biden campaign is touting the fact that its war chest is the highest total amount amassed by a Democratic candidate in US history. It includes $26 million raked in two weeks ago in Manhattan, where three Democratic presidents—Biden, Obama and Clinton—and an array of Hollywood and Broadway performers appeared before an audience with ticket prices that topped out at $500,000.

Trump’s efforts were given a boost at a record fundraiser Saturday night, held at the estate of hedge fund billionaire John Paulson in Palm Beach, a short distance from Trump’s own Mar-a-Lago compound. The price of admission ranged up to $800,000, and the 117 guests ponied up a total of $50.3 million in campaign pledges, nearly double the Biden total at Radio City Music Hall.

“Tonight, we raised an historic $50.5 million for the re-election of President Trump,” Paulson wrote in a statement to the media Saturday evening. “This sold-out event has raised the most in a single political fundraiser in history. This overwhelming support demonstrates the enthusiasm for President Trump and his policies.”

The enthusiasm of the assembled billionaires was no doubt fueled by Trump’s 2017 tax cut for the wealthy and by the fact that the exemption for “pass-through” corporations, worth $700 billion to private equity firms and other speculative ventures, will expire in 2025, the first year of the new presidency. Trump’s open embrace of fascist violence is seen by an increasing section of the ruling elite as necessary to crush social opposition to its policies of austerity and war.

If money is any indication, however, there is even more “enthusiasm” among the billionaires for Democrat Joe Biden, whose war against Russia is seen as critical to the global interests of the American ruling elite. Dominant sections of the capitalist class see Trump as too erratic on foreign policy and recognize that Biden’s occasional anti-corporate demagogy is purely for show, a means of deluding the population and defusing popular resistance to the war policies of American imperialism.

Unfortunately for his electoral prospects, however, Biden’s attempts to present himself as a “man of the people” have become increasingly strained. “Middle-class Joe” has been displaced by “Genocide Joe” in public consciousness, as he has become indelibly associated with the war crimes being committed by Israel in Gaza, armed and financed by the Biden administration.

Biden continues to collect multimillion-dollar amounts at closed-door meetings with wealthy supporters on virtually every campaign swing. On Monday, for example, he traveled to Wisconsin to unveil his latest political swindle, a proposed reduction in college student loan repayment, which will provide little actual benefit. Air Force One then touched down at O’Hare Airport in Chicago, so Biden could attend a fundraiser that collected $2.5 million from about two dozen individuals (roughly $100,000 apiece).

The co-hosts of this affair were Michael Pratt, who runs GCM Grosvenor, a $77 billion hedge fund specializing in “alternative,” i.e., socially “progressive” investments, and Laura Ricketts, co-owner of the Chicago Cubs and daughter of the billionaire founder of TD Ameritrade. 

Over the weekend, Politico published a revealing account of the 2024 campaign headlined, “Big-dollar fundraisers are back,” which noted that both parties are relying on small affairs where Trump and Biden schmooze with the super-rich to raise the bulk of their campaign funds. This is particularly important for the Democrats, the website reported, citing the comments of former Obama fundraiser Ami Copeland.

For Biden, burying Trump in cash is central to his general election strategy. He’s started with a sizable financial advantage over the former president, and hosting splashy, high-dollar fundraisers helps to further pad that edge. “His cash advantage is existential,” Copeland said, because “it’s the thing working the best on the campaign right now.”

The fundraising for both campaigns seems inversely related to their actual support, given that polls and media accounts generally concede that Biden and Trump are the two most unpopular political figures in America. Small-donor fundraising, which was up substantially in 2016 and 2020, driven initially by support for the self-proclaimed socialist Bernie Sanders and later by opposition to (or support for) Trump’s fascist demagogy, has slowed significantly this year. 

The massive domination of money is only one aspect of an electoral process that is completely undemocratic and aimed at excluding any opposition to the capitalist two-party system. The Democratic Party in particular has taken the lead in waging an “all-out war” on third party and independent candidates, which will be focused on challenging their efforts to meet massive signature requirements.

This is the state of American democracy in 2024: One of the two major parties is controlled by the perpetrator of an attempted fascist coup to overturn the 2020 election, while the other party will renominate the president responsible for an ongoing war against nuclear-armed Russia and the first genocide of the 21st century.

The Socialist Equality Party entered the 2024 elections to provide a genuine choice for the working class, Kishore for president and Jerry White for vice president, running on a socialist and antiwar program.

In a statement posted on X/Twitter Monday responding to the massive domination of money over the election, Kishore wrote:

As Marxists have long explained, the state is not a neutral arbiter but an instrument of class rule. It is controlled by a ruling class that supports the genocide in #Gaza and an escalating global war, while waging a war on the social and democratic rights of the working class at home.

The Socialist Equality Party campaign is aimed at developing a movement in the working class. The existential questions confronting workers in the US and throughout the world will not be resolved by tinkering around the edges, by hoping for “change” within the existing political structure. The working class has to take up the fight against the entire social and economic system of capitalism. This is the essential question, and the only way to oppose the drive of the ruling class to world war, dictatorship and capitalist barbarism.

The central issue in the 2024 elections is to bring the class questions of jobs, living standards, social benefits, democratic rights and war before the widest possible audience and to win the most politically advanced sections of workers and youth to the program of revolutionary Marxism.

[This article was originally published in the World Socialist Web Site here on April 09, 2024.]

Leipzig Book Fair: Leon Trotsky and the Struggle for Socialism in the Twenty-First Century

An election for the billionaires Read More »


The underworld, the fraud called ‘Operation Justice’, and public security

By Nandana Nannetti.

“If they don’t stop drug trafficking, we have to go find them. If there is a conflict, they will have to be killed,” Public Security Minister Tiran Alas reiterated in a meeting held in Jaffna about the operation of Justice, the operation which the government claims to have launched against illegal drugs and the underworld. As a step to intensify and continue to inflict state terror on the oppressed public, the Inspector General of Police released 20 more special police battalions on 20th March, claiming to be for suppressing the underworld, and said that the underworld would be “ended” in a few months.

Deploying of 20 Special Police battalions on March 20, 2024 Image Courtesy of NewsWire

Referring to two shooting incidents reported in Pitigala and Ambalangoda on the night of 11th March, in which four people lost their lives and six others were injured; IGP Deshabandu Tennakoon said the same thing in a different manner when he announced that they (the Police) “will act to response in such a language that is comprehensible to the people involved in such acts.” He made this announcement while addressing an event in Ambalangoda.  

By the time the Sri Lankan Inspector General of Police made the aforementioned statement, a suspect arrested by the Peliyagoda police the on previous day had already been shot dead. The said suspect was arrested on 10th March by the Hambegamuwa Police as a suspect in connection with the killing of a monk named Dhammarathana in Kalapaluwawe on 24th January. He was handed over to the Peliyagoda Police. According to the Peliyagoda Police, the suspect, Kalhara Dilshan of Aranagamwila, Polonnaruwa, has served in the Army Commando Force. The Peliyagoda police took him to the Lihiniya Canal area at Attanagalla, Urapola on the next day and shot him dead at around 11 pm. Newspaper “The island“ reported that, this man, who was handcuffed and taken under the protection of an armed police battalion was shot when he tried to run away, pushing a police officer to a precipice.

Thus, as the above announcements make clear, the “Operation Justice,“ is a government terror campaign that allows the police to use force up to the point of extra judicial killing of people in violation of basic human rights and existing laws. 

What launched as a police operation on 17th December last year, was expanded to involve the Army too by 11th March. By the time, according to the police reports, there had been 68,931 raids across the country, and 68,577 suspects and, illicit drugs worth 850 million Rupees were arrested. This number includes many innocent people who were arrested on bogus charges. According to police reports, property worth Rs 720 million was seized by the Illegal Assets Unit. The reader should not be misled by these numbers because the so-called operation does not reach the big businessmen who run the illegal drug trade. 

There is no record of Operation Justice controlling the illicit drug trade. But the operation has been extended from catching people for sexual harassments in public transport and then to rounding up beggars. One example of the nature of their ‘justice’ is reported on 26th February. One Madawalage Newton, a 69 year mason of Pagoda, Nugegoda, was arrested while waiting for his colleague in his way to work. He was arrested at the Nugegoda railway station in a police operation against “begging, by obstructing traffic”, although he confirmed his identity by showing his national identity card. Nine others were arrested with him and produced to court and then he was sent to a detention center for beggers, and then to the Magazine Prison. Relatives of Newton told the media that the prison informed the family that this elderly man, suffering from a chest pain, died at 1.30 pm on the 7th March. These incidents testify that the goal of the so-called Operation Justice is to suppress the poor and spread state terror in the society by deploying armed forces everywhere to quell the sparks of a public revolt.

In launching the operation, Public Security Minister Alas said that the justice operation in illegal drug raids will not target those who use or import drugs, but those who sell them. Regarding the launch of the operation on December 17, the minister has said on several occasions that his goal is to eliminate the drug retailers because when the drug sellers are gone, the drug users and the importers of drugs will not be able to achieve their goals. This statement is aimed at the poor people in villages and cities who are motivated to involve with illicit drug trade, because they have no other means to earn a living. On February 12, the Inspector General of Police addressed a community police committee meeting in Kalutara and said that he had received a report that “when one of the housemates was caught, the second one went to work”. He described how to continue the operation, “If someone in this business is caught and jailed, if there is a group who bought drugs from him, follow up and find who supplies them now.” If one person in the house is arrested and another person in the same house steps forward to accept the danger, it means that they are involved in serious problems of livelihood. That’s the very reason, why the drug dealers can use them one after the other.

An audio tape, said to be of a conversation between a powerful underworld officer and a police officer has recently become viral. “Do your duty as a policeman. You must do it because it is your duty. It doesn’t matter if a few drug sellers are caught and prosecuted. Don’t try to stop our business,” he said to the officer. The Public Security Minister’s plan fits exactly into this proposal.

Inquired at a media briefing announcing the expansion of the operation, about the public perception that the Operation Justice violates human rights, a police spokesperson denied it. He cited the fact that no one has filed a human rights case against the operation so far. Prosecution requires evidence. As the Police Media Spokesperson knows very well, the police conduct the operation without leaving any evidence for the victim, moving very similar to the underworld. Public complaints are ignored by the higher ups of the police. No one in their right mind would believe that the police, one of the most corrupt institutions in the country, would do justice.

The experiences exposing the hypocritical statement of the police spokesman are numerous. On January 20th, a 22-year-old innocent youth Mindika Aluthgamage was shot dead at a mobile phone shop named Three Star at Telijjawila, Matara. The owner of the shop is a young man named Dilshan Madusankha. Dilshan publicly presented facts about this crime committed by the police. He explained that the assassins came to kill him had mistakenly shot his friend when he was away. He pointed out the reasons. On August 24, 2020, Malimbada police arrested him for stealing money from a Telijjawila liquor store. The police tortured him severely and further scrutiny of the CCTV footage confirmed his innocence. The young man suffered physical disabilities. Even though the mother of the youth complained to all relevant places including the Police Commission, there was no relief. The fundamental rights case 68/2021 which they have filed has been assigned to the Supreme Court and scheduled to be taken up again on February 16. Dilshan said, he received death threats from the police to stop the legal activities and he declared through his facebook account and other media that there is no one to kill him except the police.

The most recent incident was on March 2, when a suspended police sergeant and a social media activist, Nimal Jayasekara, residing at Walakumbura Attham Niwasa in Nagoda, Galle, a whistleblower exposing police corruption, was stormed and shot with a T56, and robbed of his tab computer and mobile phone. He alleges that this was done by the Sri Lanka Police. He challenges the police to arrest the relevant weapon, persons and motorcycle, if they claim they are not involved.

Police Sergeant Nimal Jayasekara’s revelation

It should not be overlooked that many underworld shooters and organized criminals are people with connections to the military or police. The main shooter of the gang that killed five people in Tangalle on December 21 was an ex-navy soldier. On February 17, at Ambalangoda, the gunman who was arrested in an attempt to kill a person was a soldier from the Kilinochchi army camp. An officer of the same camp, who got the contract and directed the soldier, was also arrested.

The threat to social life from the underworld is highlighted by the police in order to suppress public opposition to the actions of the police such as extrajudicial killings, filing false cases, terrorizing social life, etc. The very existence of the police, a tool of the capitalist class hostile to the oppressed people, is a threat to public freedom. It is no secret that large-scale illegal businesses cannot be sustained without the support of the police and the government at a high level. From this point of view, it is clear that, the public has lost their rights for a fearless peaceful life because of the underworld and the police; both being the arms of the capitalist society.

One example of the nature of the control that the police is maintaining on the lives of the common people, is what the Hikkaduwa police did to Gange Nishad Kumara, a 42-year-old resident of Tuduwegoda, Hikkaduwa, on March 14. Kumara is an oppressed fisherman He was arrested near his home, and the reason was not carrying his identity card with him. He was taken by force and asked to paint the police building. He was not released even though the family brought the identity card to the Police Station and confirmed his identity. The police have filed charges against him as a theft suspect because he did not finish the painting and got a lawyer to intervene on his behalf. The mission of so-called justice is to secure and develop this situation.

The “Global Initiative” says, “According to police data, crimes in 2022 (in Sri Lanka) increased by 60% monthly, and the number of petty crimes reported in January rose to 29,908 by the end of November from 1,676”. They pointed out in an article titled “The crime cost of Sri Lanka”, that, “economic stress has also generated an increase in illegal activities as measured by the Global Organized Crime Index.” Another proof is that homicides of all types rose from 273 in 2019 just before the economic crisis to 533 in 2022 at its peak.

Operation Justice did not control this tendency but exacerbated it. In the first 6 months of 2023, the number of shootings that was approximately 4 per month, has increased to 7 per month this year after Operation Justice was implemented.

The government is following the Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte’s “war on drugs” policy of 2016-2022, which has been used to suppress insurgencies. It killed between 7,000 and 12,000 poor Filipinos. Most of them were urban poor. A Human Rights Watch investigation found that the police were involved in falsifying evidence to justify extrajudicial killings.

The increase in usage of illicit drugs  and enhancement of crime is a global phenomenon. The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime has reported that 296 million people have used drugs in 2021. According to the report, it is a 23% increase from before. In the past 10 years, the number of people with mental illnesses due to drug usage has risen by 45% to 39.5 million. The drug industry is one such large market. Former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan has stated that this industry is twice the size of the world car market.

The class rule of the top 10%, which swallows 76% of the world’s income, has created a market of 296 million consumers worldwide from the youth in the bottom 50%, who receive only 2% of it. No capitalist regime can save the people from this situation. As long as capitalism exists, only the criminals needed for the respective businesses will be supplied from the oppressed sections of the society as well as from the security forces.

The only class capable of countering the attack, the working class, should be independently mobilized against this self-enhancing crime-ring. Only they are capable of rallying the oppressed sections and launch a powerful counter-attack against the calamity prepared and implemented by the capitalist states in collaboration with the trillionaire drug mafia. We call upon the workers to build up their independent organizations, where different tendencies genuinely representing the interests of the working class are mobilized, to fight back this menace, to safeguard oppressed against conspiracies of the state and to organize protests including pickets, demonstrations, public meetings, and strikes, hence launching a movement culminating in a general strike to defend the lives of the workers and the oppressed.

[This article is a slightly modified version of the article originally published here in Sinhala on March 22, 2024]

The underworld, the fraud called ‘Operation Justice’, and public security Read More »


The Colombo Action Committee against State Repression and the Practice of Socialist Equality Party of Sri Lanka

By Nandana Nannetti.

On February 29, the Sinhala section of the World Socialist Web Site had published an article under the title, “Police claim one cannot be allowed to humiliate them through pamphlets, and pounce upon the Colombo Action Committee.” The relevant issue was the police raid to stop the CAC-led campaign against the suppression launched under the name of ‘Operation Justice’. The police charged CAC with “intentionally insulting with intent to provoke a breach of peace, and circulating false reports with intent to cause mutiny or an offence against the republic or public tranquility.”  The SEP letter has clearly expressed its opposition to the repression of the police, and has also raised the danger it poses to the public.

The prelude to the CAC campaign against the suppression operation called “Justice” was the police intimidation followed the arrest of Aruna Wijesuriya, son of CAC secretary and journalist Shanta Wijesuriya. Aruna Wijesooriya was arrested by the Kesbewa police, who later demanded and received a ransom of 10,000 rupees for his release. Another officer threatened to kill Shantha for lodging a complaint to the police regarding the whole incident. Shanta and his family then faced retaliation by the police. Shanta’s son was arrested and falsely accused of keeping the illicit drugs commonly called ice. His girlfriend, who went to visit him, was stripped and beaten within the police station for recording the conversation. 

On February 17, CAC issued the aforementioned statement, “Defeat the state terror campaign called ‘Mission of Justice’, unleashed against the people, including the oppressed youth”. “This attempt by the machine of state repression, posing as an agent of morality against immorality, is fraudulent, evil and despicable. It is a desperate attempt to suppress the opposition of the laboring oppressed people to the implementation of austerity measures as dictated by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), hence imposing the crisis of the capitalist class rule on the shoulders of the oppressed masses,” it pointed out.

The campaign was expanded through pasting posters all over the area with the assistance of the Prisoner’s Rights Organization and local youth. The campaign invited people to join a picketing campaign at Kesbewa on February 27. On February 23, while CAC leaflets were being distributed, Shanta was summoned to the Piliyandala Police Station by the Superintendent of Police, Ratmalana saying that they would conduct an urgent investigation regarding the complaints of Shanta and his family. It was a naive attempt to stop the campaign. The next day, Comrade Punyawardena of CAC, who was distributing leaflets in Piliyandala town, was forcibly taken away in a three-wheeler under the direction of the same Superintendent of Police. The superintendent told Punyawardena that, he was sure that no wrongdoing of the type described in CAC statement had occurred in the Piliyandala and Kasbewa police stations.

CAC February 27 picket campaaign

Punyawardena was released after obtaining a statement. Meanwhile, CAC distributed more than 2,000 leaflets in the city and the public was informed against the action of the police. At the same time, the head of the criminal division of the Piliyandala Police warned Shantha to not to oppose the police and the operation of justice, because an investigation is underway into the incident. But that evening (24th), Kasbewa police obtained a search warrant from the court and raided Shanta’s house and seized about 500 CAC leaflets and materials that had been prepared for the campaign.

It has been noticed by the police that, CAC is the only organization that has been engaged in such an open struggle against this violent state repression campaign, until this date. Hence the police thought that it would be easy to suppress it under the circumstances that no other organization challenged the operation of justice. Even the Socialist Equality Party, the Sri Lankan branch of the International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI), only documented their protest in two articles on the World Socialist Web Site in June and in January. But public opposition is growing strongly. This dire situation is reflected by the independent intervention of a group of members of the Frontline Socialist Party to support this struggle in several ways. 

It was in these circumstances that CAC convened a press conference on the 26th to explain the threat and to gather support against it. Despite the presence of representatives of the major electronic media organizations in Sri Lanka, most of the major capitalist media organizations avoided publishing the reports. Meanwhile, the CAC’s invitation to the Sinhala section of the WSWS to participate in the press conference was ignored due to the subjective dislike of Sri Lanka’s SEP towards CAC.  

The picket campaign was carried out at Kesbewa town on 27th evening, as per the schedule. The police did not step forward to implement the court order they claimed to have obtained against the campaign. Under the circumstances of continuing of the struggle by the CAC, not giving in to the pressures, it was not possible to prevent the wide publicity it received. As a last moment attempt to “protect its ‘good’ name”, the police constable Paulson and Sergeant Alwis of the Kesbewa Police, who posed a threat to Shanta and the family, were transferred to the Moratuwa and Mt. Lavinia Police stations respectively.

As CAC stated during this struggle, “the anti-democracy and terror-mongering displayed by governments, by bringing social media censorship laws and anti-terror laws, is not at all an expression of the strength of capitalist governments, but an expression of their organic weakness. …. Anywhere in the world, such regimes have been able to survive, because trade unions and pseudo-left fronts have invaded into every instance of class struggle to sabotage, control and compromise mass struggles. We workers, peasants, and the rest of the oppressed people, must understand that, for us, there is no self-defense through official capitalist institutions. Freedom and security cannot be guaranteed except through building of an independent mass movement under the revolutionary working-class program, against those very institutions.”

Reflecting the SEP’s nervousness and fickleness, this principled struggle the CAC is engaged in, has been deliberately kept in the dark by the anonymous author in his article. At the same time, it did not forget to denounce CAC, as will be explained later in this article. However, this unknown so-called “our writer” claims that, “the repressive arm strengthened through the justice operation is being used to stifle those who criticize the government’s program in any manner.”

But it does not seem that even the ruling class themselves have believed “the repressive hand has been strengthened through the operation justice”. The police announced on Monday (11) that the army will also participate in this operation. Capitalist media, trade unions, pseudo-lefts have offered open and closed support, but only a feeble mind insensitive to the drivers of class struggle and class relations can assume that the regime, which is repelled and hated by the laboring masses, can be strengthened so easily. The campaign launched in the name of justice has shown the desperation of the ruling class, with the government, its police force and the army boasting that they will destroy the underworld. Currently, imprisoning beggars has also become a part of ‘justice’.

The responsibility of revolutionaries is to expose this situation and mobilize the working class against it. As CAC revealed in its struggle, the truth is that the operation of justice is evoking strong popular opposition and paving the way for the revolutionary organization of the working class. This protest is growing unorganized in all workplaces, and villages. There is no justification for depicting the desperation of the ruling class as a strength, instead of intervening in the situation. Such actions always allow opportunism, hence saving capitalism from danger.

As the International Committee of the Fourth International has pointed out, we are entering the fourth year of a revolutionary decade. The revolutionary struggle erupted in Sri Lanka in 2022 is still ablaze like the cinders under the ash. At a time like this, “it is necessary to utilize the favorable conditions of a revolutionary crisis in order to mobilize the masses; taking as a starting point the given level of their “maturity” it is necessary to propel them forward, teach them to understand that the enemy is by no means omnipotent, that it is torn asunder with contradictions, that behind the imposing facade panic prevails.” (Leon Trotsky, Class, Party and Leadership). 

CAC is following this revolutionary policy.

The SEP article ignores CAC’s this struggle and turns to condemn it. It says: “Despite deep political differences with the Colombo Action Committee, the Socialist Equality Party opposes this vicious attack on them.” Unable to find any of these “deep political differences” which have never been explained, the SEP writer washes its hands by saying that “The Colombo Action Committee was formed by a group expelled from the SEP on disciplinary charges” and recommends the reader to read the “Statement of the Socialist Equality Party of Sri Lanka on the Expulsion of Nandana Nannetti and Sanjaya Jayasekara”.

At the same time, it says, “the response of the working class to the Wickramasinghe government’s sharpening of the class war against the working class should be to develop its own class struggle. The lie of the trade unions that they can pressure the capitalist governments and win their demands is exposed through the repression being carried out by the Wickramasinghe government. By doing so, the government shows that it is not ready to take a step back from its austerity program in any way. Hence arises the urgency for the working class to form action committees, independent of these trade unions and capitalist parties.”

The primary responsibility of the Revolutionary Party, that is to develop perspectives, is not an astrological task, it is historical task. The revolutionary intervenes in what he is analyzing. The revolutionary who analyzes the world in dialectical materialism does not stop at that and wait. He is committed to change the world. SEP did not make any active intervention in the political incident which it emphasizes to take seriously. Even now, what the author of this article recommends to the public is to follow this and that procedures, to eliminate this and that disaster.

“Only with the help of such systematic, persistent, indefatigable, courageous agitational and organizational work always on the basis of the experience of the masses themselves, is it possible to root out from their consciousness the traditions of submissiveness and passivity; to train detachments of heroic fighters capable of setting an example to all toilers; to inflict a series of tactical defeats upon the armed thugs of counterrevolution; to raise the self-confidence of the exploited and oppressed; to compromise Fascism in the eyes of the petty bourgeoisie and pave the road for the conquest of power by the proletariat”, (The Death of Capitalism and the Tasks of the Fourth International, p. 18) hence culminating the program of the Fourth International. 

It is not our intention here to repeating our comments on the disgusting statement of expulsion, the document which the SEP leadership recommends to the reader. But we just say this much: The SEP leadership has repeatedly violated the party constitution and discipline on a large number of occasions, from very important matters such as congresses, not allowing to discuss the differences and expelling 12 members from the party, without disciplinary investigation. The expelled members have a written history of a fight against this situation. The SEP issued statements claiming that it stands with the struggle and, then expelled Comrade Sanjaya for staunchly defending the party line at the ground. According to them, his participation was a breach of discipline. There is no discipline to superior to fight for the program and perspective, and the SEP in Sri Lanka has made history within the history of the International Committee by expelling a group of members exactly that manner for breaching some superior discipline by fighting for the party program and perspectives. 

Thus, it should be clear that the SEP leadership’s disgust towards CAC is not just a question about CAC or its members. SEP should seriously consider this situation. The conditions that enabled the suppression of objective truth are collapsing. The growing class struggle will bring the truth to light.

[This is the English translation of the article originally published in Sinhalese here on March 13, 2024]

The Colombo Action Committee against State Repression and the Practice of Socialist Equality Party of Sri Lanka Read More »


Defeat the State Terror called “Operation Yukthiya” against oppressed youth and the masses

Statement of the Colombo Action Committee for People’s Struggles

Image courtesy:adaderana.lk

It is already clear that the state terror unleashed in the name of Operation Yukthiya is one way the government is intensifying its repression against the youth and the rest of the oppressed. Its goal is the protracted class struggle.

The government suddenly jumped on to the crackdown on drugs as one of the measures to forcefully maintain the much hated capitalist state; to keep the society terrorized with violence and to garner the support of a backward social stratum. This has already given way to allow the police to act beyond the limits of the existing law and making that situation the norm in the country. What the country has is a police force that has a long history of being warrented and been operating to kill persons outside the judicial procedure.

A complaint made  to the Police Commission by Aruna Indika Wijesuriya, a professional photographer based in Madapatha, Piliyandala, exposes the repressive drama, hence bringing us a picture of what is happening right now across the country. According to the complaint, on December 6, the police raided the young man’s house at night, searched it thoroughly and found nothing suspicious, but arrested the young man and demanded a ransom of 10,000 rupees for his release. It is alleged that Sergeant Alwis and police driver Madushanka have requested the bribe and Indika’s friends gave them the requested amount. He was released on police bail the next day.

Aruna’s father, Shanta Wijesuriya, who is a well-known journalist and political activist, came to know about this later and went with his son to Kesbewa police station to complain about this, but the police avoided accepting the complaint. The police hunters were furious because the father and son tried to complain against the police for taking bribes.

On December 13, a group of plain clothed police officers assaulted Aruna, searched his house and arrested him again. When the youth made a phone call to his cousin, the police surrounded the relative’s house as well. Again, around 3 am, On December 17, a police team including Alwis, who was accused of taking bribes, surrounded the youth’s home. There, a young man named Shehan was also with the police, and the police showed Shehan something that appeared to be a pack containing the illegal drug called ‘Ice’ and asked, “Shehan, did Aruna give you this?” But, facing protests from those present, the police retreated with the following warning: “Aruna Oya Adath Dinum( (Aruna, you have won today too)”.

Later, on February 2, the police officer, identified as Paul, had threatened Wijesuriya – the father of the youth – at Kesbewa courts premises saying that he would “shoot him if he tries to be smart”. On the same day at around 5 pm, the police raided a place where the young man was taking photographs and arrested him. The next day, his girlfriend, who went to visit him, was arrested on the charge that she had recorded the conversation of the police officers, beaten and harassed by removing her clothes forcibly, checking for illegal drugs. The cousin who visited the youth was also arrested and later released. The court rejected the request of the police to send the young man for rehabilitation, alleging that the boy who was brought to the court with ‘ice’ had used the substance. Allegations that he had used it were nullified by the medical evidence. There is no place to complain about these injustices. The institutions which claim to be investigating and redressing such grievances continue to ignore complaints. The response received from many such institutions was that there is no evidence to prove the allegations.

On February 6, social media reported an incident where the father of two was arrested by the Baddegama Police. The victim, Jeewantha Kumara of Ganegama, within the jurisdiction of the Baddegama Police was arrested with 2 grams and 350 milligrams of “ice”. Police assaulted Jeewantha and his brother, and their sister, a school-girl, video-taped how the police team in plainclothes assaulted her two brothers. She watched and taped how one of the police team tried to put a black parcel in her brother’s pocket. The police assaulted her, snatched her phone, arrested Jeewanta and filed a case. The phone which recorded the incident was never returned and has disappeared with all the evidence. The girl and her other brother had to be admitted to Karapitiya Hospital and receive treatments. There is no reason to think that the complaints made to the Elpitiya Senior Superintendent of Police and Galle Assistant Superintendent of Police will bring justice to these oppressed people.

The case of shooting down a carpenter at Narammala is a well-known crime among hundreds of such incidents. On January 18, police personnel in plain clothes ordered him to stop the lorry he was driving. When he did not stop, the vehicle was chased and he was shot dead. This is the way the so-called Operation Yukthiya is being carried out and the Public Security Minister Tiran Alas has assured in Parliament that the operation will continue irrespective of any objections such as concerns of human rights.

This attempt by the state repressive apparatus to pose itself as the agents of morality against immorality, is deceitful, evil, and despicable. It is a desperate attempt to curb the resistance of the working and oppressed people, arising from the implementation of austerity dictates of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), hence imposing the crisis of capitalist class rule on the oppressed masses.

The root of all crimes is the rule of the bankrupt capitalist class. It is not limited to Sri Lanka. These rampant economic, political and social problems are not caused by illicit-drug users. The drug business operates through politically supported transnational and domestic parasitic crime networks. Addiction to drugs itself is the result of social unrest flowing from endless economic, political and social problems. Under these circumstances, the daily operations by military and police, establishing military police roadblocks at every other inch and conducting search operations are nothing but setting up the mechanism to subjugate the lives of the workers and oppressed people to the conditions of the police state. These operations have nothing to do with eradication of illicit drugs.

The statistics of the World Bank show how the poverty in the society is increasing day by day. Poverty, which was 11.3 percent of Sri Lanka’s population in 2019, has increased to 12.7 percent in 2020; and then from 13.1 percent in 2021 to 25 percent in 2022, and to 27.9 percent in 2024. This is a manifestation of the bankruptcy of capitalism on a global scale. World Bank reports show that between September 2022 and March 2023, world poverty increased by 11 million from 648 to 659 million. That’s by calculating the income below $2.15 per day. But, taking into account the lower middle income level and upper middle income level countries, i.e. the levels of $3.65 and $6.85, this figure rises by another 28 million. The poor are consumed by hunger, disease and discomfort. On the other hand, the income of the top 1% supre-rich is increasing by leaps and bounds.

The results of this level of inequality include the escalation of social tragedy, from drug addiction to various crimes and suicides. There was a recent incident where a 14-year-old boy jumped to the fast approaching train and committed suicide near Tambalagamuwa railway station on February 11. Following the sound of the train’s horn, the other children moved out of the way, but this child spread his hands and was smiling while waiting for the train to go over him. The train driver has stated that he had never seen anything like this in his entire life. Later, the child’s guardian aunt told the media that the child was suffering from acute malnutrition.

Attention of the masses is, and should be, focused on these issues. The world is gripped by the struggles of workers, farmers and youth. Anti-democratic measures and terror-mongering displayed by governments bringing social media censorship laws, anti-terror laws are not at all manifestations of the strength of capitalist governments, which are largely discredited among the masses, so lacking popular support, but manifestations of their organic weakness. Those governments cannot fulfill even a single economic or social need of the people. Anywhere in the world, such regimes have been enabled to persist because trade unions and pseudo-left fronts have infiltrated every instance of class struggle, to disrupt, control and compromise mass struggles. We workers, peasants and other oppressed people must realize that self-defense does not come at all from official capitalist institutions, and that freedom and security cannot be guaranteed except through the formation of an independent mass movement against the capitalist establishment under the working class revolutionary programme.

We, the Colombo Action Committee for People’s Struggles, request all progressive people opposed to capitalist attacks to come forward to build and unify action committees at workplaces and residential areas, which can ensure the safety of the oppressed people. Only such a mass movement can really wipe out capitalist rule and all the tendencies that block the path of social progress.

Abolish all repressive laws!

Forward towards a Workers’ and Peasants’ Government!

[This statement was originally published here in Sinhales on February 17, 2024]

Defeat the State Terror called “Operation Yukthiya” against oppressed youth and the masses Read More »

Stop-Gaza-Genocide Petition calls on working people of Sri Lanka and internationaly to fight Zionism and Imperialism 

By the Executive Committee of the CACPS and the Editorial Board of theSocialist.LK 

“The death toll in Gaza is staggering. More than 30,000 Palestinians have reportedly been killed in just 150 days; 5% of the population is dead, injured or missing. It is impossible to adequately describe the suffering in Gaza” 

Philippe Lazzarini, Head of UNRWA (Tweet on X on February 5, 2024)

Colombo Action Committee for People’s Struggles (CACPS) and theSocialist.LK yesterday (05) launched a public online Petition titled “Stop Gaza Genocide Now! No to Zionism! No to Imperialism!”. The significance of this political act to mobilize the working class, in Sri Lanka, South Asia and internationally, and all those who want to stop the massacre in Gaza, is expressed by the statement of Lazzarini, quoted above. 

The Petition calls upon masses to reject the reactionary appeals to imperialist warmongers to stop the massacre. “Crisis ridden, these powers are planning a war with China, and are waging a war against Russia in Ukraine, as part of a global nuclear war that would entail Iran, the Middle East and the rest of the world. In these imperialist centers too, the war abroad has brought social counter-revolution at home,” Petition states.

Pointing out the necessary relationship between war on the one hand, and debt and austerity on the other, over billions of people around the world, the Petition states, “Manifestation of the hold of imperialism takes different forms: it may be war, it may be debt and austerity. Therefore, there is no fight against debt and austerity without a fight against war, and vice versa.”

It calls upon mass solidarity with the Palestinian people and to fight till their demands are met. These demands are expressed in the slogans the Petition fights for. These include, Stop Gaza Genocide Now! No to imperialist Barbarism! Punish War Criminals!

Refuting the imperialist political trap of the two-state solution, it calls upon to fight for a socialist programme to build a Jew-Arab Unified Socialist State, which would be  part of a Federation of Socialist Unified States of the Middle East and the World.

In the backdrop of traditional working class organizations, the trade unions and their pseudo-left bckers, being lined up with imperialism and the capitalist state of austerity and international finance capital, the CACPS and theSocialist.LK call upon working class of Sri Lanka, united with the Israeli and US working people,  to “unleash our enourmous power to fight for political power, independent of the State-Company-Trade Union alliance, to call general strikes, to stop war funding and military aid, and stop the Genocide and the world war.” 

This Petition was launched as part of the wider campaign by the CACPS and theSocialist.LK against the long oppression of Palestinian people by the imperialist-backed Zionist Israel. 

We invite fellow workers and our readers to sign the Petition today, share it widely and fight to stop the Gaza Genocide Now and halt to the impending neuclear war. 

Copy the Petition Link here:


Stop-Gaza-Genocide Petition calls on working people of Sri Lanka and internationaly to fight Zionism and Imperialism  Read More »


Sri Lanka Police harass Colombo Action Committee members and seize campaign material 

By Sanjaya Jayasekera.

Sri Lanka police today questioned one comrade of Colombo Action Committee (CACPS) and later in the day took into custody its campaign material upon a court order. 

CACPS members were engaging in a leaflet distribution campaign today (24) morning in Piliyandala town area. They were distributing CACPS latest statement (in Sinhala) titled “Defeat the state terror unleashed against the masses, including the oppressed youth, in the name of “Operation Yukthiya”! Around 9.45am in the morning, Piliyandala police stopped one comrade who was distributing leaflets to people and escorted him to the police station. Inquired as to why he was brought to the police station, the Officer in Charge (OIC), informed CACPS members that the leaflet contains material “insulting the police” and that the police want to conduct an investigation over and around the leaflet.  Police recorded a statement from the comrade and was released within about an hour.  

CACPS members campaigning in Piliyandala town on February 24, 2024

In the evening around 4.45pm, a team of police officers including the OIC of Kesbewa Police arrived at the residence of Comrade and journalist Shantha Wijesuriya, who is the Secretary of CACPS, along with a warrant from Kesbewa Magistrate Court  to search the house for offences under Section 484 and 485  of the Penal Code.  These purported offences respectively are intentionally insulting with intent to provoke a breach of peace, and circulating false reports with intent to cause mutiny or an offence against the republic or public tranquility. The police seized around 500 leaflets containing the CACPS statement and several dozens of posters and placards that had been prepared for use at the demonstration, to be held on February 27 in Kesbewa town, organized by the CACPS and Kesbewa Action Committee, on the theme of the statement.

Kesbewa Police encircle journalist Wijesuriya’s residence on February 24, 2024

Yesterday, Wijesuriya was also summoned by Piliyandala police by order of S. Wickremasinghe, ASP, to record a statement over two hours, as part of an “expeditd investigation” over a complaint lodged by him of alleged death theats by a police officer over a bribary complaint, and over another complaint made by his son’s fiancee in respect of an alleged sexual assault by police officers attched to the Kesbewa police. The ASP has already decided and told Wijesuriya that his allegations are false and that he knows that police officers did not engage in the alleged activities!    

While the police have hurriedly initiated court proceedings in respect of CACPS activities, have delayed action against those accused of serious allegations.

These acts of police and of Wickremasinghe’s government are an attack against freedom of expression of CACPS and the oppressed masses, and are intended to intimidate and harass political dissent. Police and the government are attempting to block leaflets reaching the masses and stopping CACPS campaigns. 

We call upon workers, oppressed masses and those who defend democratic rights to condemn this assault on political rights and fight for and demand the immediate halt of harassment of CACPS members and stifling of its political activity by the government. 

Sri Lanka Police harass Colombo Action Committee members and seize campaign material  Read More »

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