
SEP-SL bureaucracy promotes backwardness and hostility to principles

SEP-SL bureaucracy promotes backwardness and hostility to principles

Months after the politurbo of Socialist Equality Party (SEP) Sri Lanka expelled Comrades Nandana Nanneththi and Sanjaya Jayasekera from the Party, the Party leadership has, on 06 May 2023, released, along with the statement posted below, two other documents in…

May 11, 20232 years ago
global socialist reviews

May Day 2023: Build IWA-RFC, Stop World War!

By Colombo Action Committee  This May Day is celebrated by the working class all over the world, in the midst of the great danger of an emerging World War III – a nuclear war threatening a mass extinction – and…

Apr 29, 20232 years ago
Defeat the reactionary policy against the struggle for action committees!

Defeat the reactionary policy against the struggle for action committees!

By Colombo Action Committee The letter published here was sent by the Colombo Action Committee to the General Secretary of the Socialist Equality Party (SEP), Comrade Deepal Jayasekara and the editor of the Sinhala section of the World Socialist Web…

Apr 14, 20232 years ago
IMF approves Sri Lanka bailout package

IMF approves Sri Lanka bailout package

Colombo Action Committee. By Sanjaya Jayasekera. The Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) approved on Monday (20) the 48‑month extended arrangement under the Extended Fund Facility (EFF) with an amount of SDR 2.286 billion [395 percent of quota…

Mar 22, 20232 years ago
The ‘general strike’ of March 15 and bankrupt trade unionism

The ‘general strike’ of March 15 and bankrupt trade unionism

Colombo Action Committee Yesterday (15) public sector workers and professionals including doctors across the island went on strike and protested against the government’s new tax levy, interest rate hike and electricity tariff hike and other attacks.  Thousands of public office…

Mar 17, 20232 years ago
Wickremesinghe calls for a military discipline society

Wickremesinghe calls for a military discipline society

Addressing in a ceremony held yesterday (19) at Rantambe National Cadet Training Centre for the awarding ‘Colours’ to the National Cadet Corps, President Ranil Wickremesinghe has stated, “to take on the future requires discipline and commitment”.  “The people needed for…

Feb 20, 20232 years ago